As Shadewillow padded out of camp, she realised that she had school, again, tomorrow. Ugh, I hate school, why can't it just be over? But she still had some cats to talk to yet. The ginger she cat, the gray and white she cat, a brown and black tom, and a gray and black tom. Great StarClan! She shook out her pelt. I'm supposed to be hunting, she reminded herself. She stopped at the clearing. Shadowbriar was staring at her coldly. She turned away. That's his problem, not mine. Now she was heading to neutral territory between (update in introductions!) Cloudclan and fireclan. This is where I had my head injury..... Where I talked with spotted leaf about how I'm...... Needed. For..... Something. She did it again! I AM HUNTING! she shook her head to herself. If its not one thing, it's another. she gave up hunting and decided to join a border patrol. What patrol? The voice inside her whispered. I did t sort the patrols!! Shadewillow streaked towards camp. She sorted patrols out rapidly. "Frostfire and Stormpaw, go on a border patrol. Reedheart and Breezepaw, go hunting. Moonwhisker and hollypaw, look for herbs. Shadowbriar and Skypaw, go...... On a border patrol. Scarpelt, you can go gather bedding." Scarpelt instantly shot up. "That's an apprentice task!" Shadewillow nodded cooly. "And you'll need to keep your skills up in case we take in a loner. They will need to learn too." She gasped. She had talked a lot. But scarpelt wasn't done. "And what will you do?" He questioned. Shadewillow looked at him. "I'm clearing out bedding, your gathering, and I'm putting it in, and your dumping the old." She sighed. "Just go do it, please. I have school tomorrow." She didn't wait for a reply. She just started scraping out old moss and grass. This is ALWAYS fun......

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful Story
FanfictionThe story of my OC and her general difficulties in her new clan life. Shadewillow is a normal warrior. Except.... She's part kittypet. Well.... She's FORCED to be. By twolegs. At first, when she joined her clan, CloudClan, she was judged by her warr...