Short One-shots (1 - 10)

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I want to do a 1 – 50 type of story. Each is a very short piece of story, various topics, no chronological order. Just whatever I'm inspired by.

I'm sorry for not updating lately. I've been having a really bad writer's block. Hopefully this will help some.

If there's any prompt in here that totally makes you guys squeal in fellow fangirling-ship, tell me and I'll see if I can write a longer one shot on it, kay?


Seungcheol hits his head and falls unconscious during a practice session. He wakes up and has NO idea what the hell is going on. Because Jeonghan, his Jeonghan, is taking care of him. Wiping forehead and shit.

In a pink costume. A fucking nurse costume. With lacy garter belts and a pointy hat.

Thank you, God, for whatever I did right in the last life.

If this is a dream, he never wants to wake up.


Seungcheol swears he almost had a heart attack when he came home from work and was washing up when he noticed what looked to be a pregnancy test sticking out from the rubbish bin. After shakily trying and failing to pick it up while breathing like he was going to asphyxiate for like 10 times, he finally managed. It had a "+" sign. Positive. He hated math at school, but that moment, that symbol looked like the most beautiful thing on Earth.

The fainting and bawling never happened. Nope. Never. What happened was masculine pride and...

Oh who is he kidding? It happened.


Seungcheol doesn't think there's anything that could smell as amazing as the smell of his own home. It's pack, family, home. It's the most amazing smell in the world.

That is, until, one summer day, under the sweltering heat, he smells it. Shoulder-length black hair, stunning brown eyes, tempting pink lips.

In an instant, his universe rearranges.

Mate. Mine.


It's adorable how Seungcheol would drop by the flower shop at least twice a day to see Jeonghan's face. Ever since the new florist moved to town, Seungcheol has bought flowers for his parents, his siblings and his colleagues.

He's the most awkward thing ever, but, hey, it's the thoughts that count, right? And Jeonghan always smiles every time his favourite customer comes in. They're so besotted with each other it's not even fair.

It's the talk of town these days. The long-haired, fae-like florist and the handsome, socially awkward biology professor from the town university.


There's no stopping the miffed jealousy emanating from Seungcheol when he saw Jeonghan kissing the glass in front of the camera. It's not fair that everyone gets to see how pretty those lips are. The sight belongs to him and him alone. It's also not fair that it was his first time seeing how stunning Jeonghan looked in red lipstick. He wanted to kiss that colour off him.

Sufficient enough to say, one leader was not a happy camper that day.

...alright, maybe the make-out session later on at their dorm made up for it. A little bit.

Shout out to Jeonghan being voted the idol with the prettiest kiss. Of course it would be him XD


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