Chapter 25

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"This is Iris Reid," I hum into my cell, applying mascara carefully.

"It's Oli... Viktor just came here to talk to Stellan and they- left together?"

"Viktor? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It was strange. Viktor came up and was asking to speak with him. He wanted to apologize about something."

I set down the makeup and press my lips together, suspicious. "You said they left together?"

"Yeah. It was weird. I'd call to see what's up."

My phone beeps then. I pull it back and smile with relief, seeing Stellan's number. "No need. He's calling now. I'll call you back."


I switch lines. "Babe."

"I'm with Viktor," he says immediately.

"I know, Oli just called me. Why are you going out with him? Is he with you now?"

"He's in the bathroom and I have no clue. He was hysterical when he came into my office. I'm calling to let you know where I am."

"Where?" I grab a pen and paper, scribbling down the restaurants address. "Okay, should I come? It's so weird that he went to you... Hysterical, how?"

"Crying, sputtering, ranting... and I know. Something's off. I'm going to find out if he has any connections with Vance."

My skin crawls and I immediately clutch the phone tighter. "Stellan, be careful... No, you know what, I'm just going to send Eric, okay? He'll watch from afar."

"Alright. I've got to go. He'll be back in a moment."

"Okay... Be careful, Stellan. Please."

"I will- he won't hurt me. He doesn't look like he could hurt anyone right now... I'll call you on my way back."

"Okay," I whisper, but he's already hung up. Dialing, Eric's number picks up to voicemail- for the first time ever and the pit in my stomach falls deeper.

Something's not right.

Something is not right.

Without having to think, I stand up from the vanity, grabbing the paper with the address and walk from the room in a hurry. 


Twenty minutes from the city, I finally arrive outside of a country club. 

Why the hell would he agree to come this far from the city? I've been to this restaurant before but only once. It's extremely prodigious- not someplace Viktor could get into just any day.

The thought scares me more than I can say. Seeing the Porsche, I have hope that he's still here at least. Slamming the door shut, I also realize not many people are here. There are about ten cars in the parking lot.

I waste no time walking to the front desk, keys in hand. A young woman with black hair is in reception, writing something down. When she glances up, double taking, I can immediately tell she recognizes me. "Mrs. Tre-Reid."

"Hi, um..." I read her name tag, "Veronica. Has my husband come in here tonight?"

"Yes, he's in the back with another young man."

"Okay, thank you."

"I can escort you if you like?"

"I'll manage, thank you." I make my way through the doors, glancing around the large, rather empty room. Stellan... where are you?

I shake my head when I don't see them, nervous. I run up to a waiter, grabbing his arm. "The gentleman in here, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, suit- did you see where he went?"

"No, sorry."

I let him go, sighing. "Okay, thank you."

A gentleman comes forward and I believe he may be the Maître D."Mrs. Reid? You're looking for your husband?"

"Yes! Yes... Have you seen him?"

"He went outside with his dinner companion about ten, fifteen minutes ago."

"Thank you so much. Right out there?"

He nods and points at the silver wear in front of the boy, muttering in Italian. I hurry to the door and open it, calling out his name.

"Stellan? Viktor?"

I head down the garden, looking around frantically. Why the fuck can't I find him?


All I hear are chirps and soft Italian love songs playing from the speakers along the garden. I'm panicking... badly. Hyperventilating as I make my way down the stone step way.

"Viktor? STELLAN?"

"IRIS!" It's Viktor's voice, his tear-filled voice. Hearing the desperation of his cry, I sprint towards it, choking in fear.

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