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Before I begin:
Thank you for taking the time to even click upon my story.

This is poorly edited, so please, I understand there are grammatical errors.

Please give feedback, and don't sugarcoat, I want the honest truth.

Once again, thank you!

The light brown haired woman walked through the throne room of the gods. "I don't believe you, you're not real, I'm mental, insane" she spoke defiantly in front of the 13 gods, sitting on thrones 11 times her size, 3 of the most powerful, the rulers of the world, were so angered by this statement that they blasted her to a nonexistent form going by the name of 'mania'- a spirit of insanity. All that was left behind was a child, the child of the big three.

Living is hard, actually everything is hard, particularly in a world where everything is out to get you, literally everything. People, monsters, immortals, they want it, they want us, dead, alive, any way they can get us.

The Daughter of the Big ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now