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Once we were done, we went to take a walk. The small creature did not like at all that Dasha and Denis went ahead, leaving us behind. I looked at their union of hands and the compatibility they had, it was like they were made for each other, the smiles between them, their gestures, their aspect; it's like if you put it together you'd form something equally, like the ying and yang. Something hit  my stomach, it felt like someone had thrown a small rock into the walls of my stomach, Like when a baby kicks, but not in that tender way.

"Kenadee", Louis mused my name and I turned to see him. "You are a very distracted person, huh?", he laughed.


"I called you about three times and it seemed like you were in your own world", he explained.

"Oh, yeah, forgive me", I gestured with my hand.

"Thinking of something about them?", he guessed, incredibly fast, he pointed with his head towards his brother and my friend.

"Huh? Why do you say that?", I asked nervously.

"I don't know, maybe because you keep looking at them deeply", He shrugged his shoulders.

I laughed, even more nervous.

"Honestly, yes", I admitted. "I think they were really made for the other", I said and the creature wasn't at all okay with what I said and scratched my insides.

Kirs brows furrowed together and his gaze went to the ground, looking at his feet as he walked.

"Yes", he sputtered.

"You don't sound at all convinced", I accused, suddenly curious.

"No, I am", he babbled, but something was hiding in his voice. "Dasha is really good", he looked at me and smiled. "She has a beautiful smile, very sincere; he big brown eyes are like the window that let you see her soul; her  nice gestures when she talks to you make you laugh... have you noticed when she reunites with someone she gets really excited? Then that hug that she gives you, really excited", he muttered, completely lost.

"Wait, wait... you?...", I couldn't finish the question, I took my hands to my mouth when Kir looked at me with his green eyes open wide, like if I had said secret that I shouldn't let out.

"What?", he asked, with a shaky voice.

"You're in love with Sharon!", I guessed.

Now I understand what Denis was saying the other day, about his brother being in love with a mysterious girl. Of course, he didn't want to say it, because the "mysterious girl" was his own girlfriend.

"What?!", he said, and I swear I saw sweat shine on his forehead.

"Please, I'm a women! You can't lie to me", I don't know why but a huge smile started spreading over my face.

"Sssshhh!", he gestured, nervous.

"Then it's true!", the smile extended till it was converted into an extended hole in my face.

"Don't say anything, please", he pleaded.

I took both my hands to my mouth, trying to contain my emotion.

"Kenadee, nobody knows", he said, worried.

"Calm down, I wouldn't...tell anyone", I promised, still half excited.

"I'm a horrible brother", he exclaimed, gesturing desperately. "Who falls in love with the girlfriend of his own brother?".

"Hey, chill", judging by his expression, it seemed like he was about to cry. The creature singed with pleasure and this time I didn't know why. "You're not the only one, I've heard various cases", I hooked my arm to his, like if I had enough confidence to do it; but he didn't complain.

"Yes, but it's not good that it happens to me, do you know what it feels to support every kiss, or when they caress each other; when inside it hurts?".

"Yes", I said, immediately; without knowing why, it's like the other part had spoken.

"Oh really? You've fallen in love your sisters boyfriend".

"Well not really, I'm an only child", I laughed, but I want back to being serious. "But I understand, weirdly. I know how it feels. It's like if you wanted to escape each scene when they kiss, run from there and erase every memory of it; but as much as you try, It becomes more clear-out".

"Exactly! Wow, I never thought somebody would understand me in that way".

"In what way?", Suddenly Denis voice appeared into our conversation, materializing Dasha with us.

We both looked at each other wide eyed.

"Denis, do you remember what I said about peoples privacy?", I inquired.

"It's the first time you guys meet each other and already have secret between one another?", he asked, wanting to sound amused, but I identified in his voice some sort of sour tone very well hidden.

"Ooohh!", Dasha joked, tied to Denis waist.

The creature mumbled some unintelligible words.

I looked at Kir, who kept a fleeting glance, first on the floor, then towards me, soon to Denis and lastly to Denis, to then again go to the floor. I imagined him planning some way to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"You know Dasha?", I said, like nothing. "I think I'll ask Chris out", I spilled, not so sure of what I was doing; but If something had been distracted with Dasha trying to set me with Kir, it was with someone else.

It worked, everyone's gaze was on me. Kirs, seemed thankful for the distraction; Dashas glowing with emotion; and Denis, serious, weird.

"Really?", she shouted out of joy.

"Yes, honestly he's a very nice guy and cute I might add", I said, it was true after all.

"And when?", She let go of Denis waist and tied her arm to mine, making me walk and leaving Kir behind.

They kept close behind.

"I don't know, maybe tomorrow", I shrugged, indifferently.

"So you like Chris?", she asked, and I looked at Denis by the corner of my eye, who was a step behind us with Kir; suddenly attentive again.

What was I going to say? If I said yes, Dasha would speculate a lot to even start planning the wedding, she was capable of it; if I said no, then it wouldn't go with everything I said before, and I'd look...dumb.

"Well...Umm...", I stuttered.

"Guys look at that!", Kir interrupted, signaling the gondola. "I want to get on!".

"I do too!", Dasha said.

"What do you guys say?", Kir asked.

"Um...well,I...pass", I muttered, I wasn't in the mood to be over water.

"Same here", Denis said, with his hands in his pockets. "You guys go, will wait for you guys".

I then captured the situation, Denis and I, alone again. The creature jumped with joy, and it's screaming was understandable: Yes, yes, yes, yes!

"Do you want to go, Dasha?", Kir asked.

"Yes, it's been a while since I've gotten on one, but I want Denis and Kenadee to come as well".

"Forgive me, Dash; honestly, I pass. You can go, Denis", I said. "Don't worry about me, I'll wait here".

"No, you guys go", he said. "We'll wait here", he smiled and kissed Dashas forehead.

"Party-poopers", Dasha whined, but still went with Kir to the gondola.

But before, Kir turned around and winked without anyone noticing, then it hit me that he had done the same to me for what I did to him; get him out of a uncomfortable situation.

When they got lost in the crowd, I turned to Denis.

The Forbidden Manual// Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now