Chapter 6 "Operation: Infiltration"

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After we landed, I stepped out of the Slave I. I took in my surroundings. There was a forest to my left. Grass was everywhere. I had been to planets like this. It's basically one of the only places that people come here to be away from the war.

I was about to go back inside until I saw something far ahead of me.

A giant structure squeezed in between two small mountains. The fortress was giant. I could see turrets mounted in front of it. Mortar cannons. Auto-repeater turret. The whole shabam.

I ran back inside. I saw Bane cleaning his blaster. And Korrsk was......gulping down some green liquid in a bottle. After they saw outside, we had to think of a plan.

After Korrsk finished his drink, he gave a loud belch. "Korrsk, get serious," I said.

He gave flicked his lizard tongue out at me.

"Listen, we have to get down there somehow," I said. "If we go straight towards those turrets, there'll be no...............escape."

The others turned at me suspiciously. "What are you thinking Fett ?" Bane asked.

"The escape pod. I can put the ship on autopilot and launch the escape pod when were right above that fortress," I said.

"Why are we going to launch an empty escape pod at a fortress?"

"It's not going to be empty, clueless. We're going to be in it," finished Bane.

"But there's also a problem," I said . "They have anti air turrets that'll shoot us down in seconds. So I got another idea. We get launched in the escape pod, and we'll also fill it with explosives so if it crashed on that fortress, it'll do some damage. But anyway, we get launched in the pod, but we can deploy out of the pod and land on the fortress."

Bane's face looked spekticall. But Korrsk was shouting," Let's do it! Let's do it!"

"Let's go get that bounty then."


"Get ready to deploy! I shouted. We were in the Slave I, pushing the engines to the max. "Alright. Get in the pod!" Bane and Korrsk dashed to the escape pod. I switched a flip on the console, and ran to the escape pod at the back of the ship.

"We're launching in five, four, three, two, on--" I was interrupted with a loud WHOOSH!

"WHOOOOOOO!" Shouted Korrsk. Bane looked as if he was about to pass out. Considering he had blue skin, he looked as pale as he could get.

The pod had launched, and we were shooting to the fortress.


I hope you guys enjoyed this very short chapter. The only two stories I'll be updating for now is Heroes of the Clone Wars and this. I looked at this chapter and I wrote this thing in JANUARY!!!! Sorry for such the long wait guys, but it'll be updated. Please comment your joy. Or you can kik me at Galen_Marek_rp

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