Chapter 11 "Flight"

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(A/N this possibley might be one if the final chapters, but as soon as this gets completed, I will post the sequel)

"Keep moving," I hissed at Dirk as we crept by a patrolling clone squad. "Remember, you make a single noise, you get a giant blaster-hole in the back of your head." Dirk gulped, and to emphasize my point, a pushed the barrel even further into the back of his head.

"Lil, how much farther away is Bane?" I asked.

"We should be right on top of him right!" We rounded a corner in the coridoor, and we saw Bane in his cell. Unfortunatley, there was an entire squad of clones, led by Wolffe.

"Freeze it, don't move!" shouted Wolffe, raising his sidearms. I raised my EE-3, and Lil and Korrsk raised their blasters.

"H-h-help me, p-please," stammered Dirk, as I wrapped my left forearm around his neck, and raised my right hand and prepared to fire.

"Wolffe, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. What are you going to chose?" I said menacingly. Wolffe did not lower his blaster.

"Release Flakmight, and I promise you'll be given a fair trial!" said Wolffe.  Korrsk chortled.

"Ssssss, you actually think we're going to come quietly? Not ssssmart."

"You got five seconds, and Dirk here gets a big hole in the back of his head if you don't put the guns DOWN!"

Wolffe hesitated. He lowered his blaster, and his other troopers did the same. "We'll give you Bane if you give us Flakmight." I nodded, although I had no intention of handing over Flakmight. 

Wolffe shoved over Bane to us.  "Now give us Flakmight," he said.

"No can do," I said with a grin behind my helmet.

"Fett!" he roared.

"Gotta go." We all took off into the coridoor with the clones at our heels. I figured they wouldn't risk firing at us while we had Dirk.

"Lil, what all have you got in store?" I asked, slightly panting.

Lil looked down into her sachel while running. (this ones for you @cattyclove) "Let's see....Nope....Here!" She withdrew a thermal detonator. "Made this one myself!" She exclaimed as she threw it back at the pursuing clones.

"Everybody! Get down!" shouted Wolffe to his Clones.


The sound of running feet came to an abrupt halt behind us. "Come on! Keep moving!" I said, yanking on Dirk's binders, making him stumble.

"Hold it, Fett!"  A squad of Wolfpack Troopers had rounded a corner in front of us. We were cornered.

I instantly dropped as low to the ground as I dared, barely missing a bolt fired from the trooper. I returned fire, and the trooper fell to the ground. I pushed myself up, grabbed Dirk, clutched my forearm against his neck, and started firing from beside his head.

"N-no! Don't s-s-shoot!" screeched Dirk at the Clones, but there was no hope of them hearing him. Apparently they were only interested in taking me out.

Lil tossed her spare Westar-33, a rapid firing pistol, to Bane. Korrsk, chuckling gleefully, was firing at the Clones with his blaster rifle.

We all continued firing until all the clones lay motionless on the ground. "Fett, come on, let's get to the hangar," said Bane. I nodded, and we all continued sprinting to the hangar.

But Wolffe had gotten there first. His team had less clones in it, and the ones that were there had severely scorched armor.

How hard is it to kill this guy, I thought.

"Fett, I'm going to ask you one last time. Let Flakmight go."

"Why is it that you clonesssss never sssstay dead?" hissed Korrsk.

"Open fire!" shouted Wolffe. His troopers started firing, as we all simutaneously jumped behind the nearest ship.

"Fierfek, we're too far away from the Slave I or The Punisher," said Lil. 

"H-h-help!" screamed Flakmight to the clones, still firing. "T-t-they're going to k-kill me!"

"Would you ssssshut up!" Roared Korrsk as he slammed a gigantic fist into Dirk's face, knocking him unconscious. "Ssssssorry," he said," he gets annoying."

Bane leaned over to the left side of the battered frigate we had been taking cover behind, and fired at the clones. He leaned back and said, "We can't keep this up, you know. Ammo just doesn't fall from the sky."

"Everyone, give me some cover!" I shouted. I ran out behind me, and fired at the nearest trooper. He screamed in pain and then fell silent.

"Get him!" shouted Wolffe.  I don't know which one of them did it, but one trooper fired at me, and it sent my EE-3 blaster out of my hand.


Without thinking, I aimed my right arms gauntlet and fired at the trooper with my duel Z-34 wrist cannon. I rolled behind the closest ship, leaned over and shot my wrist-rocket at the closest cluster of  clones. (Say that 5 times fast) The explosion killed them instantly.  I jumped out of cover, and activated my jetpack. I aimed my left gauntlet and flames shot out of it, engulfing the screaming clones. My feet then touched the ground. The only clone that was left was Wolffe.

He had had enough sense to duck behind cover when the flame thrower had activated. He had no idea I was approaching.

"-need reinforcements. Fett's attempting to-" he was saying into his commlink. I walked up behind him, tore off his helmet, and punched him in the side of his face. He fell back on the ground and spit out a tooth, along with some blood. "You going to kill me Fett?" he said.

I would certainly like to, I thought.

I looked down at him. His black, scorched armor, his bloody, bruised, and beaten face, and a scarred eye. It was dishonorable to kill a man weakened and defenseless before you.

"No, I'm not going to kill you, you little di'kut. If I ever see you again, I'm going to kick your shebs all the way back to Kamino. If you ever cross me again, I will kill you." I turned around abruptly, and walked to where Lil, Bane, and Korrsk were.

"Ssssss, nicely done," said Korrsk.

"Let's get outta here," said Bane.

"Honestly, I would have just killed him," said Lil.

"Come on. Let's go," I said, hauling the unconscious Dirk to his feet. "Our friend Dirk here has an appointment with Jabba."

Dirk then mumbled something like," I hate bounty hunters."

"Boba," said Lil. I turned around.


"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I've had enough excitement for one day."

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