Chapter 10 "Dirk Flakmight"

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"What do you reckon Lil and Korrsk's playing at?" asked Bane in an undertone as they marched us up to the command center.

"I dunno, but their plan better work," I replied.

"Keep it moving," said the trooper behind me, and he whacked the butt of his blaster into  the back of my helmet.

The doors in front of the command center hissed open.  I looked forwad and saw a tall, lanky, man staring out of the window. He turned around and looked at Commander Wolffe.

"Commander, I assume this is Mr. Fett?" he asked. Bane sniggered at the words "Mr. Fett." 

"Yes sir. Please don't hold him for too long. We need to interrogate him immediatley."

"Don't worry, it won't be too long," said the man, glancing at me. "It will be just me and Fett. You may take his friend to the brig."

The troopers then walked out of the room with Bane, leaving me alone with Dirk.

"So, I finally can meet you at last," he said.

I decided I would not answer anything, seeing as not saying anything gets you more answers.

"You're probably wondering why you are here," said Dirk. "Hmmmm....Not much of a sparkling conversationalist. But never the less, I brought you here to tell you something. I have admired your work for several years. You get the job done. And recently, as you know, a price has been put on my head by Jabba the Hutt. But I do not care if I have a giant, fat slug as an enemy. I am only interested in you.

"It began many years ago, when my father lost his cantina. We were forced to live off of scrapps. But my father fell in debt. He could pay nothing to the tax collectors, so a banker had finally had enough. He hired Jango Fett to kill him.

"Now, could you believe that? My father, scavenging food in the dumpsters for us, then with a giant, gaping, hole in his head from a sniper. So you see, I knew you would take the job, knowing that you knew Jabba pays well. But I needed more proof. I went into a cantina, where I saw you haul your worthless, lizard friend out of the table. I knew you had taken the job."

Dirk then sat back in his chair. "This isn't about you, Boba. This is about revenge. And seeing that I couldn't exact it upon your father, I'll do it on you, myself. But for now, I'm going to let the troopers throw you into the brig, seeing as I cannot allow my true colors to show. But I'll make it look like an accident. Poisoned food, or maybe toxic air seeps through your cell vent. And now, I must play up my image of the helpless, money-giving banker that's trying to be murdered. Guards!"

But no clones rushed in. "Guards!" he called again. The doors hissed open, and there stood two clones. "Guards?"  he said uncertainly. But suddenly the guards slumped down to the ground. Dirk let out a scream and reached for a blaster hidden under the desk.

There stood Lil and Korrsk, aiming their blasters at Dirk.

"Don't think about it, Flakmight!" shouted Lil.

I jumped onto Dirk and wrapped my cuffed hands around his neck.

"Get up, Flakmight," I commanded. He got up, and Lil took the binders off my hand. I grabbed Dirk's blaster and aimed at him.

"Lil, you know where Bane is?" I asked.

"Cell block D, Boba."

"Ssssss, do we have to get him? It is getting a bit cramped in the Slave I," said Korrsk. I turned my head toward Korrsk, and he said, "Ssssss, okay, okay. Let's go get Bane."

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