Chapter 11

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"Hunter! Get packed, you have to go with your dad." Mom called and I groaned. "Okay." I mumbled and rolled off the bed. "Hey smart one, you have legs." Cameron said from my window and I rolled my eyes. "But I don't wanna use them." I groaned and got up. "How's Gray doing?" I asked. "He's okay, he's getting better, though." She said as I went through my closet. "That's good." I sighed and threw the clothes on my bed. "It's gonna be okay. He'll come back around." Cameron said and i nodded. "I'm sure he will. I just hope it's soon." I said as i gathered up shoes and jackets and hoodies. "He will. He just needs time, he gets like that." She said and i stood up and walked to my dresser. "I miss him." I said and she nodded. "I know babes. It'll get better." Cameron said and i nodded. "I don't wanna go to my dad's with him mad at me, but i leave tomorrow and i don't think he has any interest in talking to me." I said as i rolled my clothes up. "I'm sorry. I just wanna keep saying that it'll all be okay, but i sound like a broken record." She laughed and i laughed along with her. "Yeah. I just miss hearing his voice every day, y'know?"  I asked and she nodded as i put all my makeup that i use in makeup bags. "Well i have to go, but I'll text you later." She said and i nodded as she climbed out my window. I closed my suitcase and zipped it up. 

I looked over at my clock which read 2:00 am. I sighed and threw the covers off my legs and got up. I unlocked my window and climbed out onto the roof. I looked to Grayson's window and noticed his light was still on.  I sighed and looked out over the city at the sky. "Hunter." A voice said and my head snapped to the side. "Hey. Gray." I said and looked to the other side. "I'm really sorry, Hunter. I shouldn't have overreacted the way i did." He whispered and i shook my head. "No, i shouldn't have drunk anything that night." I said and he wrapped his arm around me. "It's just that past girlfriends have used me to get close to Ethan and then they leave me for him, and i really like you. I didn't want to think that you would do that too, but when i saw you kissing him, i just got so mad. I'm really sorry." Grayson said and i looked up at him. "I'm not like other girls, Gray. I didn't want you to think i was like that, because i like you too, a lot. And i like you for you. Not because of your brother, not because your sister is bomb ass because i like you." I said and Grayson laughed slightly. "I missed you so much." Grayson said and his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and back to eyes, as his tongue darted out to dampen his own. I leaned up and he leaned down, and our lips connected in the middle. 

A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update, but i had writer's block. But yayy we got Hayson back!  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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