Chapter 12

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Bailey POV:

When I got upstairs, I went into the guest bedroom. I found a magazine on the night stand beside the bed and started looking through it. I sat on the bed crossed legged. Ten minutes later there's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I'm sure its Cameron.

I was wrong. Toby walks through the door.


"Hey. What are you doing?"Toby asks

"Reading a magazine."

"Oh. Do you want to play the x-box with me? Cause Zach and Hayley don't know how and Cameron's talking to our parents."

"Sure." I've never played on an x-box before. I'm not even sure what it is honestly.

"Come on. It's in my room." I get up off the bed and follow Toby to his room. His room has two navy blue walls and two white walls. When you walk into his room to the right is his bed pushed up against the middle of the wall. On the wall across from his bed is a flat screen TV on his wall, under is a little black shelf, it has what looks like game cases, movie cases, three controllers, and a black thing which is what I'm guessing, that's the x-box. His room is very clean for a boy. He walks to the right side of the bed and grabs a large bean bag.

You could probably fit three people one there.He sets it at the end of his bed, and walks over to the black shelf and grabs two of the controllers.

"You can come in." He laughs. I didn't even realize I was still standing in his doorway. I walk in and he hands me one of the controllers. "You can sit on the bean bag I'll sit on my bed or the floor."

"You can sit there its fine." I don't want him to have to sit on the floor.

"It's fine. I promise." He says and smiles at me. Okay maybe, he's more attractive than I thought. I sit on the bean bag and sink in. Wow this is really comfortable. Toby walks over to his TV and turns it on, and turns his x-box on. I should probably tell him I've never played before.

"We're going to play Call of Duty." What the heck is that?

"Okay." I'm just going to try playing it before asking.

Ten minutes into the game and I have died 18 times already.

"You don't know how to play do you?" Toby asked me.

"Not one bit." We both laugh.

"Here I'll show you." Toby comes off the bed and sits right next to me in the bean bag. I noticed that he's wearing black basketball shorts that go to his knees, and a white shirt with the sleeves cut off and it cut going down his sides. I noticed before when we were playing the game, when he was on the bed, how his arms would flex.

Toby told me what each button the remote did. He started the game back up and we continued playing again. Yet again I keep on dying.

"Here let me show you again." He smiles. He sets his controlling on the ground beside him. Then he puts his arms around me. There's that feeling in my stomach again, and I feel my cheeks heat up. "Is this okay?" I just nod. I don't really mind though. He holds the controller I'm holding so his hands are around mine. He smells really good.

Yes! I finally killed somebody!

“Yes! We did it!” I exclaim. I look at Toby and he’s already looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

“You’re so cute.” He looks to my eyes then my lips, and does it a couple more times.

“Thanks.” I say and smile at him.

I went back to playing the game. Toby let go and picked up his controller and started playing again. He didn’t seem that bothered by it. I hope not. My attention was taken away by hearing a cough. It was Cameron. I hope he wasn’t standing there long.

“You having fun playing Call of Duty?” Cameron asks and sits on the bed.

“Yeah.” YES! I killed five more people!

“She sucks though!” Toby said.

I slap his arm playfully, “Hey. I've killed a lot of people.”

“Yeah like ten.” He and Cameron laugh.

“I'm going to steal Bailey from you.” Cameron tells Toby.

“Okay. But we’re going to play this later.”

“Fine! And I will kill more people than you! I’ll bet on it!” I tell Toby.

“Sure you will. We’ll settle this later.” He says as Cameron and I walk out of the room.

I laugh, “Bye.” When we get into my room Cameron closes the door and I sit down on the bed with my feet hanging off.

“What’d you need?” I ask him.

 (Thank for all the reads! Please vote and comment please! and follow my instagram @mattsbootie)

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