Chapter 31

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Bailey's POV:

It's been two weeks since me and Cameron's little argument. We talked occasionally, but not willingly.

I mean I know foster siblings aren't blood related and Cameron and I are far from being brother and sister, it still may be a bit weird if we dated.

We live in the same house. What if we break up? That'd be awkward. We live together, see each other every day, he's my ride to school; I have classes and lunch with him.

Yeah, I may have a little bit of feelings for him; however mine and Tyler's are stronger. No we aren't dating yet, however we hung out a lot these past two weeks.

Toby and Chloe are now dating. They are so cute; I look up to them as an example for a relationship. They're funny and cute and comfortable with each other.

Tonight I'm going over to Chloe's house to spend the night. But just us girls. Considering I've been hanging out with Tyler and she's been hanging out with Toby, we've barely hung out so we needed a girl's night.

Jessica and Jeff have been working a lot lately so Hayley and Zach have been at their grandma's most of the time, because they didn't want us to have to look after them.

I start packing my bag for Chloe's.

Let's see I have pajamas, under wear, bra, and clothes for the next day, clothes just in case we go out and toiletries.

"Where are you going?" I look to my door and see Toby leaning against the door frame.

"Chloe's." I say continuing to fill my bag with my items.

"Can I come?" he asks.

"Nope, it's a girl's night. Meaning no boys." I tell him.

"Then what are you guys doing?"

"Hanging out." I tell him not giving much information.

"Oh very specific." He says sarcastically, and falling down on my bed.

He puts his arms above his head and crosses his ankles.

"Yes, because we don't want you or the boys showing up where ever we go."

"Oh, so you guys aren't going to be at her house?" he says raising his eye brows.

"I don't know, and you will certainly never know." I say, chucking.

"So what's been up with Cameron? He seems different."

I go to the door and shut it making sure he's not around so he can't hear.

Toby gives me a weird look as I walk over to my bed and sit cross legged to the side of Toby.

"Okay, so when you were out two weeks ago, me and him, I don't know had a disagreement or whatever. He thou-" I stopped myself before carrying on, "Pinkie swear this stays between you and me." I say sticking my right pinkie out. I'll most likely tell Chloe about it, but I don't want them talking about it with each other.

"I pinkie promise." He says sarcastically wrapping his pinkie with mine.

"Hey! I'm serious!" I scold him.

"I know, I know. I pinkie swear not to tell anybody." He says in a more serious tone.

"Thank you." I say and continue, "He thought that Tyler has bad intentions and that I shouldn't go for him. And I should go for him. And he kissed me."

Toby's mouth dropped, "Are you serious!? Wow. Personally I think Tyler's a good guy. I can't believe he kissed you. He has told me before he could possibly like you."

"Yeah, I can't believe it either. I stopped it though. It didn't feel right." I told him honestly.

"It didn't feel right?" he questioned.

"Yeah, like you know when you kiss somebody and you have meaning and feeling towards it, I'm sure with you its Chloe. But I didn't have that feeling with him. I did with Tyler though."

"You kissed T-!?" he yelled.

I cover his mouth and say, "Shut up! Gosh I didn't mean to tell you that." I put my hands over my face.

"I won't tell. Remember we pinkie promised." He says laughing and pulling my hands down. "When? If you don't mind me asking." He adds.

"At the party and when we were all at her house. It was when we were getting pizza."

"Tyler doesn't stop talking about you."

"Really?" I ask almost not believing it

"Yeah." He says.

"Oh jeez. Boys are-" before I could finish Toby covered my mouth.

"Don't say anything you'll regret." He laughed.

I pull his hand off, "I won't."

(Ooh she be tellin. Please vote and comment! & follow my instagram  @mattsbootie)

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