Chapter 19

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Bailey’s POV:

We can hear the music very clearly the more we approach the house. I'm not gonna lie. I'm nervous. I don’t know many people.  The ones I do are mostly guys.

 I guess you can say that’s a good thing, because they can watch out for me.

“Stay with me when we get in there.” Cameron whispers in my ear. I just nod and smile at him.

I'm so thankful that I met him on that bus and his family took me in. Well for a little bit. I have to be on best behavior and prove to them that I’ll be good to have around the house.

We open the door, revealing a lot of people.  Cameron and Toby have already been greeted by several guys and Chloe is hugging a couple girls. And me. I'm just standing and observing. 

 I can already tell more than half are already drunk. The majority of the people have red cups in their hands.

Finally I see a familiar face. Tyler. He’s walking towards me with a smile on his face.

“I'm happy you guys came!” He said basically shouting over the music. He opens his arms for a hug and I do the same. He basically hugs my head and I wrap my arms around his waist. He smells good.

He does that thing guys do where they like grab each other’s hand and brings them in for a hug.

“Let’s get you something to drink.” He tells me in my ear and grabs my hand. He leads me into a big kitchen. Not as many people are in here. I'm happy. Plus, it’s a little ore quiet in here.

He takes me to the counter by the double door fridge where there are several different bottles of liquid. Probably liquor.

“Okay so obviously we have liquor,” he says and gestures towards the bottles, “and if you don’t plan on getting wasted like everybody else we have soda or water.”

“I’ll just have water please.” He grabs a red cup and fills it with ice then water. I thank him as he hands me the cup.

“Whatever you do, don’t set your cup down.” He warns me.


“Because some idiot will try to put drugs or liquor in it.” He says and laughs.

Crap. I left Cameron.

I try looking for him and I can’t seem to find him, or Toby.

“Hey, we’re about to start a game of truth or dare in the loft.” A boy tells Tyler.

Jeez. All these California boys are cute. However, I've only found a couple not very attractive ones.

“Do you want to play?” Tyler asks.

“Come on it’ll be fun.” The boy says and smiles.


Tyler grabs my hand once again and leads me to a set of stairs. We walk up and there’s an open space, which I'm assuming is the loft, because there are people sitting in a circle on the floor.

We walk over to the circle and one of the guys turns around. Cameron.

He hits the spot next to him. I sit down beside him and put my legs stretched out. I would sit criss-cross, however I'm wearing a dress and I don’t want to flash anybody.

“I tried looking for you.” He whispers to me.

“Sorry. Tyler took me to get a drink. I tried finding you to but couldn’t seem to find you.” I whisper back to him.

“I texted you.” He tells me and gestures towards my phone in my head. I look at it and notice in the left hand corner there is a blue flashing light.

“Oh sorry I didn’t hear it.” I tell him.

“It’s fine. But if you get lost again just text me and I’ll come to the rescue.” We both laugh.

“Okay. So how do we play?” I whisper to Cameron.

“So you get to choose truth or dare. And you have to do what they dare you to do or tell them the truth.”

“Seems pretty easy.”

“It is.”

I look around the group. One of girls is Chloe, I've seen two of the other girls before and I have never seen the other one. Then there is Toby, Noah and Brandon and of course Cameron.

“Across from you is of course Chloe, to the left of her is Toby, then Brianna, then Noah, and Rosie.” He said pointing to everybody to the right of him. “To the right of Chloe is, Brandon, you know him, Emma, and Tyler of course.”

“Thanks.” Without him telling me everybody names this game would’ve been hard to ask people truth or dare.

“Can we start pleeeaase!?” Chloe slurred. Looks like she didn’t take long to start getting alcohol in her system.  

“Go ahead and ask somebody.” Tyler told her.

“Okay. Let’s see. Emma! Truth or dare?”

“Dare!” she said immediately

“I dare you to kiss…” she took a pause while looking around at the group, “I dare you to kiss Brandon! On the lips! With tongue! For ten seconds!” She instructs while laughing.

All eyes are on Emma and Brandon. Since they’re right next to each other they just leaned in and started to make out.

When they finished Emma began to look around the group, “Toby! Truth or dare?”


“Is it true you and Chloe have something going on?”

A grin spreads on his face and looks at Chloe, “Yes.”

“Awwwwe!” All of us girls say as Toby kisses Chloe’s cheek.

“Your turn to ask Toby!” Emma said.

“Bailey, truth or dare?”


“Oh come on! Pick dare!” Chloe basically yelled.

“Fine, dare.”

“I dare you and Tyler to go into one of the bedrooms for ten minutes.”

“Uhm, okay.”  

Tyler grabbed my hand and helped me up. We all heard “oooohhhs” as we started to walk away. As we were about to walk down the hallway I look back. All eyes are on us; however I notice how Cameron’s just looking straight forward at the wall, with an angry face. Why is he angry?

As we walk further down the hallway, Tyler stops by a door and opens it. We step inside and Tyler turns the light on. I'm guessing this is his room.

He shuts the door and walks towards his bed and sits. I'm still standing looking around the room. He has a flat screen against the wall across from his bed.  Then there was a closed door, most likely the bathroom. I look back at Tyler and he pats the seat next to him and I sit next to him.

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