7 | Bonfire

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The boy climbs out of the Box and takes a look around. I feel terribly bad for him, as I know exactly what he's going through, as I just went through it a short two weeks ago. He's angry, confused, upset, sad, hungry, lost and above all...scared.

"Day one, Greenie." Gally says, slapping the boy on the shoulder.

The boy looks over at Gally with his eyebrows furrowed. He's about the same height as Gally, but Gally vividly has more muscle...not that the other boy doesn't. Gally just looks stronger.

Just as I'm about to say something to the new guy, he takes off running. Something I did not expect to happen.

"We've got a Runner!" Zart yells out as he and the rest of the boys, including Newt, take off after him. I follow after them.

The new guy is surprisingly really fast. He could be a Runner. That is before he completely trips over his own feet and falls, face first, into the green grass. This causes Alby to be able to catch up with him and pull him up, but still holding him still, making sure he won't run off again.

Alby goes into introductions, introducing basically everybody. Alby also mentions that he'll be taking the new Greenie on a tour.

"I've got to say," I say, walking up to the Greenie. "I thought we had a new Runner...that is until you face planted." I introduce myself. "I'm Brooke."

The new boy looks at me, still confused. "Runner?"

Newt steps forward, next to me. "Alby'll explain it all in the tour, Greenie. Don't worry."

And with that Alby sweeps the new guy away and starts taking him around, just like Newt did me the first day. The rest of the Gladers split off, finishing off their work or heading for the kitchen. I look over at Newt and Newt wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm starving." I giggle.

"Well I guess we know where we're going then." Newt smiles, before throwing an arm over my shoulders and I take the hand that's on my shoulder in my hand. We both walk over to the kitchen where about half the Gladers are either sitting and eating, or in line for their food. Newt and I step in line and get handed trays. Frypan gives us both large pieces of meat with a side of what looks to be some kind of rice. We both find a picnic table and sit down, diving into our food. 

"Why do you think the Box came up two times in a month?" I question, cutting off a piece of my meat and chewing it. 

"I don't know, but it's got to be some kind of sign." Newt says. "Maybe it's ending... Maybe this means the end of all of this is over."

I look into his eyes which have hope flooding out of them and I can't help but feel the fear creeping into me. Why would I want to leave now? I have Newt...and I'm a Runner. What if we get out of this hell hole and Newt falls in love with somebody else...Love? Did I just think...love? Is that what I feel for Newt? 

"Hey guys, mind if I sit here?" Minho asks, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. 

"No, not at all." Newt answers. Minho plops down in the seat next to Newt and begins chowing down on his food. 

Light conversation scatters around the table but my mind can't help but drift to what I was thinking before. Do I really love Newt?...Or is it just a strong liking of him?


I whip my head up and look over at Newt, who's obviously been calling my name for a while now. 

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You weren't answering me for a while. Everything okay, love?" Newt asks, concern strained in his voice. 

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