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Dear Jupiter,
We have been apart for three months now, and I can't believe I'm not over you.
They say love should be timeless, space less, limitless.
But I wish it wasn't because I just want to get over you.
My attraction to you is like the magnetic pull of the universe. Like a thousand suns pull me towards you. But we are as different as the plants, as distant as the stars, and like the sun, our future was doomed from the start.
That why I named you Jupiter, in the off chance you find this, you won't know I'm talking about you.
Because it was only a rare occasion when you would stay up so I could tell you about the stars.
Only a few happenings when you would ponder about the galaxies with me.
Only chance get together when we would wonder about the universe, and lust for the moon.
But not once did I ever tell you about how I fell in love with the planets.
Specifically Jupiter.
Although my first love will always be Saturn, a peaceful planet that was destined to be outshone.
My heart goes out to you, Jupiter, for being the one destined to outshine.
I always told you I dreamed of space, and you often stargazed with me when you came over.
Which is when I fell in love.
I don't know if you ever listened to my excited ramblings about the universe, and hushed whispers over the phone about traveling to them one day.
But even if you only pretended, those nights were always my favorite.
When we would just be, just be together. Not necessarily physical, but we knew. Or at least I thought I did.
Everyone tells me our love was a tale for the ages, that we are an apic story, destined to be. But I don't think you believe in destiny, my dear Jupiter, and I don't think anyone can ever change that about you.
I hope if you do find these letters you don't ever voice them to anyone else. The only reason you should receive them is should I die or we get back together.
Still, the thrill of your touch is always my temptress. Many a night I laid awake, praying to anyone, everyone, that I could have enough control to last till morning without contacting you.
Thus my passion is my undoing, all those important in my life have heard me boast about technology, after all I come natural to it. Its a part of my daily life and a part of my soul, it brings me endless joy and pride.
But sometimes at three a.m. when I find myself longing for your attention, I wish it didn't exist, even with your number blocked its so easy to contact you. So easy to reach my hand out.
But I know you will just slap it away, and so every night alone I spend holding back tears about messages I will never send.
You used to love my poetry, I would read it to you when you would come over. Sometimes you would tell me you wish you could watch me dance, I wish you would have.
You would have seen the passion I have for the things I love, you would have seen my burning desires.
And you might have stayed longer, after all everyone knows I loved you most.
Sincerely yours,

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