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Dear Jupiter,
I drove past your house today, and Alex has your favorite flavor of nicotine.
So when we picked him up and he clouded up the car it was all I had not to cry.
Me and my sister talked about Thebe, and she bought my favorite kind of cigarettes to taunt me.
I haven't actually spoken to Pluto, and all I do is throw myself into yard work and harsh chores to make money.
A lot has changed but I can't help missing you.
All the songs that remind me of you now remind me of Pluto and Thebe.
And you of course.
How could I ever not think of you.
For as much as thebe was there, you were the one I loved. Truly loved. And now you've both moved on.
But me and Thebe are texting right now.
And I love her too.

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