Down in the forest

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Today was one out of two of Jaebum's free days. Since he lives rather close to a forest, he decided to go for a walk. These past two days has been odd, Jaebum could use some fresh nature air. On these two days, Jaebum had developed a... crush...? Should he really call it that? A week days ago he didn't look forward going to work. But that boy changed his view of his work, he's strange.

Jaebum woke up late. He stayed up late since he knew he could sleep in, it was relieving.

He ate light breakfast that concisted of a single apple, as always. Although he had prepared lunch for his trip to the forest.

• • •

It was early september, the time of the month where only the leaves at the top of the trees was turning yellow or orange. It was a bit cold, the ground was wet and a bit muddy. Jaebum thought that it had probably rained when he was asleep.
He also got a bit worried about his choice of shoes.
Jaebum was wearing his ordinary black - grey sneakers, his jeans were black and on his upper body he wore a jumper and a small jacket, on his head he wore a dark red beanie in case of rain, Jaebum also  brought his backpack filled with his lunch.

There was a specific, big-ish path that you could walk on so you wouldn't get lost. But Jaebum didn't want to go on that road, he knew every tree and every rock visible from that road. It was boring.
Instead he walked right into the part of the forest, unkown to himself.

After about 10 minutes of walking and almost tripping over sticks, Jaebum found a path. He decided to walk on that path until it led him somewhere.
It was a small path, clearly abandoned since small bushes had started to grow in some places on it. It was nice, he thought, the big trees created weird shadows all over. It was a bit chilly but it wasn't disturbing.

Jaebum looked closely in front of him and in between the trees he could see something. His pace got faster, he wanted to get to the place, since his legs was starting to feel tired, he thought that maybe it was a good spot to take a rest.
He finally reached the place and it was as he expected; a field. It wasn't big, a couple trees spreading out over the green-yellow grass. The high trees surrounding the field blocked out the rest of the world, it almost looked like a giant wall in different shades of green, yellow and orange.

He took a deep, slow breath, letting the forest air fill his lungs. He smiled. Slowly, Jaebum made his way onto the field, he spotted a small oak at the other side of it. Next to the oak was a big rock and so he decided to eat his lunch over there.

When he arrived, he noticed that something was carved into the old oak. He got closer and read it; C.YJ. He wondered what it meant but ignored it for now. He sat down on the rock but didn't yet take out his lunch. He wanted to enjoy the atmosphere, birds tweeting in the distance, an owl hoo-ing.
He closed his eyes and leaned against the tree. Enjoying the different sounds of the forest. Without Jaebum noticing, he started to fall asleep, the sounds of birds got quieter as he drifted away into sleep.

• • •

The boy walked through the forest slowly. He liked taking his time on his way to the field, after all he wasn't in a hurry. He looked carefully at his surronding, the trees, bushes filled with strange berries, the birds digging in the ground looking for worms. It was all art in his eyes.
The field was important to him, a escape from reality for just a few moments. He never referred the spot as 'the' field, no, it was always 'my' field, even though other people came there sometimes. Not often but sometimes. It was mostly old men walking their dogs. He often left when these people walked passed.

The young man finally arrived to his beloved field. The grass was turning yellow and it was very high. It was still pleasing to the eyes to look at.
He started walking towards the oak. A couple months ago, he had carved his initials into the wood, he loved that tree so why not?
A gasp escaped his mouth as he stepped onto the small field

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