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"Are you drifting way beyond what's normal?
'Cause 'round your mind rings the words that they would say?"

The Draw - Bastille

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Youngjae woke up not by an alarm or Jaebum snoring, but by the lights being lit in the room he was sleeping in. They weren't just lit, they were flickering creepily, not only the ceiling lamp but also the lamp standing on the drawer next to the tiny TV. Youngjae yawned amd looked around him, confused about where he was. Looking around some more, he fianlly realised where he was. He was laying the bed in Jaebum's bedroom/livingroom.

Jaebum was still stuck in a deep sleep it appeared, Youngjae decided to not wake him up. Instead, he sat up carefully so he wouldn't wake up the older male, and made his way to the light switch at the end of the room.

As he walked the floor creaked and groaned, another groan was heard from Jaebum and a rustle of bedsheets. Youngjae looked at Jaebum from the corner of his eye, and Jaebum was indeed sitting up in the bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Jaebum looked adorable, Youngjae thought, especially when he's so tired. Youngjae exhaled and smiled softly and switched the lights of, doing the same with the lamp on the drawer.

"What are you doing?" Jaebum asked, laying down in bed again. His morning voice was deep and raspy and - if you ask Youngjae - incredibly hot. 

"they were flickering." Youngjae answered as he sat him self down on Jaebum's uncomfortable bed, putting a hand on Jaebum's cheek, stroking it gently. Jaebum hummed in response, and opened his eyes slowly to meet Youngjae's.

"let's sleep some more, come on," said Jaebum trying to drag Youngjae back down under the covers. 

"We can't, you have work soon, now get up and I'll make breakfast, okay?" 

Jaebum narrowed his eyes as Youngjae gave him a slight smile. "Okay," Jaebum finally said, dragging out the word as he slowly sat up in the bed, making it creak. 

After some time of trying to figure out what to make for breakfast - Jaebum's fridge was rather empty - Youngjae finally settled for scrambled eggs.

"What are you cooking, it's smeels delicious in here." Said Jaebum as he entered the kitchen, completely dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. 

"just scrambled eggs, I hope you like it."

"who doesn't like scrambled eggs?"

Youngjae laughed at Jaebum's question. "That's true."

Ultimately the eggs where finnished and Jaebum ate it in a rush. A single quick kiss on the lips and Jaebum waved goodbye to Youngjae who felt a little sad that Jaebum was going, but he couldn't keep Jaebum with him all of the time, he'd loose his job. Youngjae didn't want that. 

But that didn't stop Youngjae from missing him.

  When the door had fully closed behind Jaebum, Youngjae let out out a sigh and leaned against the wall behind him.

He was alone.

What was he going to do for an entire day without Jaebum? He didn't have work today ( which he usually do) so keeping himself entertained would be somewhat difficult. Youngja paced out of the hall and re-entered the livingroom, seating himself in the tiny sofa. Another sigh escaped his mouth and he stood up once again, walking up to a bookshelf next to the sofa, looking at the different books. 

After some time of searching to find a good book to read, Youngjae settled on one specific book and walked back to the sofa, laying down in a comfortable reading position.

Youngjae had chosen a Harry Potter book to read, it was the most interesting book he could spot and after all, Harry Potter is a very good book series. Although, it wasn't his favorite one (prisoner from azkaban) but he still enjoyed reading it, after all it is a good series.

As the dementors were passing through the hogwarts train, Youngjae was starting to feel a little bit sleepy.

Even though he was enjoying his book thoroughly, Youngjae still felt somewhat tired. He always did. When nightmares haunt you and you're afraid of sleeping, you try to avoid it as best as you can. Youngjae slep way more than usually since Jaebum, of course, but it was some days when he just couldn't sleep; wouldn't sleep.

Not that the night that had just passed was sleepless night, but still he felt tired.

After some time, the letters and sentences in the book got blurrier by the second, and eventually Youngjae fell asleep once more.

  • • • 

Youngjae got awoken by his own  screaming and possibly the fact that he was drenched in sweat. Even though he wasn't sleeping any longer; the screaming didn't sieze.

Maybe because of the horrifying nightmare but he tried to ignore the truth and hugged a pillow, trying to comfort himself.

Though, it was hard without Jaebum.

Jaebum always comforted him the the perfect way. He didn't tell him it wasn't real, because it was real when Youngjae was sleeping and that is good enough to believe it. Jaeum doesn't bathe Youngjae in unnecessary compliments or try to make out with him, he just hugs Youngjae ever so tightly, everytime Jaebum does that Youngjae forgets how to breathe, it doesn't feel like he has too because Jaebum was there. That was always enough.

Jaebum was so very kind, Youngjae thought. So sweet when he didnt need to, never leaving, never questioning, never saying 'I can't do do this'.

But he will do.

When Youngjae does.

Since Youngjae was still trembling a lot, he went to Jaebum's bathroom to see if he had any of the medicine that usually makes Youngjae less anxious.

He didn't.

The only rting that filled Jaebum's medicine and such' locker was a shaver, cologne, toothpaste and aspirin. Youngjae was almost thankful for the aspirin, at least there was something that might calm him down.

Youngjae took the small aspirin package out of the cupboard and opened it, popping three pills out of it. He stalked back to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water to swallow the three white pills. He had gotten used to swallowing pills quickly by now so Youngjae managed to down them without any difficulties.

After around 20 minutes the pills finally kicked in and Youngjae felt way calmer and collected, but also a bit high but he ignored it.

Youngjae picked up the Harry Potter book once again and started reading, but it was a bit hard, after twenty minutes he had read just one chapter. It wasn't going too well. He tried to focus on the book, he really did, but it didn't work.

Suddenly, the door opened, Youngjae looked at the clock on the coffee table in front of him and read the time: 6:34. When had it gotten this late? He remembered not checking the time after he had woken up from his nap so it must've gotten a bit late after the nap. Youngjae didn't have time to think much of it since Jaebum entered the room with read cheecks and tousled hair. he was so pretty, Youngjae thought.

"Hi," said Jaebum as Youngjae stood up, walking towards the older male. "How's your day been?"

"Okay, super boring without you though." Youngjae didn't feel like telling Jaebum about his nighmare and his border-line panic attack, he didn't want Jaebum to worry, instead Youngjae stayed silent, giving Jaebum a quick smile on the lips.

"I missed you too, sunshine."

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Wow boring chapter, also sorry for the laTE UPDATE I WAS V BUSY SORRRYYY

- Ellie

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