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"I said it's been a long time
Since someone looked at me that way
It's like you knew me
And all the things I couldn't say"

Together - The xx

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It's been one week since Jaebum and Youngjae became a couple and Jaebum loved every single second of it.
They spent most of their days together just talking and lazily kissing, like regular new couples, the couldn't get enough of each other.

But, unfortunely, Jaebum had work today, he was a bit late because Youngjae didn't want him to go.
But he had to.

He rushed into the changing room and changed clothes as fast as he could. On his way out to his post in the shop he bumbed into Jackson.

"The boss wants to talk to you." He said, seriously. It was odd seing Jackson act so serious since he rarely was just that.

Jaebum nodded in response and groaned internally, he really didn't want to be yelled at by his boss.

He walked slowly to his boss' tiny, tiny office, braved himself for what was to come, and opened the door.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Jaebum said.

His boss looked at him with a confused look.

"Um," he said, "I don't. Who told you that?"

Jaebum's expression was as confused as his boss'. He started fiddling with the hem of his shirt. What does he mean? Jaebum thought.

"What? But J-... oh... sorry, it's nothing, bye."
Jaebum said as he left the office and closed the door.

He walked quickly back to where he was before, where Jackson still was.

"JACKSON." Jaebum yelled. "You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that, I thought he was going to fire me."

Jackson started laughing his regular high-pitched laugh.

"I was just kidding, you looked so scared!" He said, still laughing.

"But seriously though, why are you late?" Jackson voice turned slightly serious once again.

Jaebum didn't know how to respond. Should he tell Jackson? He sighed, not really knowing what to say.

"I- was... I was with someone..." He said silently.
Jackson raised his eyebrows and smirked.
"Was it Youngjae?"

Jaebum too, raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"...I... Maybe..." Jaebum looked down at his crossed arms as Jackson started chuckling.
"Oh my god it was," he said playfully. "Did you do it?"

Jaebum, once again, raised his eyebrows, he un-crossed his arms and instead slapped Jackson on the arm.

"What?! No!" He yelled, "We've been together for just a week, calm your dirty mind, Jackson. What about your obvious crush on Bambam?"
Jaebum asked wryly, giving Jackson a smug smile.

"I do not have a crush on him!" Jackson said, his voice got higher making it obvious that his statement was a lie.

"Oh come on, you talk about him constantly."

"'You talk about him constantly,'" Jackson said, imitating Jaebum.

"Whatever," he said, still rubbing his arm from Jaebum's hit, "now, let's get back to work."

• • •

They day went by immensely slowly, time barely moved, or so it felt like.

He just wanted to go back to Youngjae. He had told Jaebum to pass by after work and Jaebum were counting the seconds.

After another horrible day at work - exept for lunch when he could talk to Jackson and Yugyeom - he could finally return home.
No, skratch that; Youngjae's apartment.

He stalked happily towards Youngjae's apartment, longing for who was there, waiting for Jaebum.

When he arrived at Youngjae's apartment building, he wrote in the code, went into the lift, and ringed the bell.
But then, he remembered that he didn't need to, he opened the door and was instantaneously greeted with a mouth-watering smell.
Jaebum dropped his jacket in the hall and entered the kitchen, where a Youngjae was standing.
He was collins something that Jaebum couldn't see, his eyes where glued onto Youngjae.

As soon as Youngjae heard Jaebum enter the room, he turned around and to Jaebum's suprise; he looked very distressed.
Youngjae dried his hands off on the maroon apron and stepped closer to Jaebum.
"Hi, I missed you," he said, kissing Jaebum's cheek gently, "I'm making dinner, hope you like Kimchi jjigae."
Youngjae walked back to the stew, stiring it.

"I love it," Jaebum said, his tone sounded perturbed as he was worried about Youngjae, he seemed very upset.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Youngjae nodded in response and continued stiring the stew agressively. Jaebum didn't buy it.

He took a hold of Youngjae's shoulders and forced him to spin around, meeting Jaebum's eyes.
Youngjae's own eyes where wide open, a bit red, Jaebum hoped it was from the food.

"Are you okay?" Jaebum asked gently.

Youngjae hummed in response, Jaebum gave him a look to make him understand that he didn't believe Youngjae.

Youngjae inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. When he had his eyes lidded, he seemed to wince and recoil.
He bit his lip before exhaling.

Stop yelling.

He opened his eyes and gave Jaebum a vague smile.
"I promise you, I'm okay," he said, "dinner's almost ready, can you set the table?
Jaebum nodded and kissed Youngjae on the forehead before taking out the plates.

The dinner was over shortly. They talked about their day and what not. Youngjae had asked Jaebum to stay they night again, which he said gladly said yes too.

As they made their way to the bedroom, Youngjae, who was opening the door, suddenly stopped and screamed.

"What is it!?" Jaebum asked in a panic - voice.

"I don't know, am i al-" Youngjae stopped mid - sentence.  He looked as if he remembered something important.
"I'm okay, I'm okay.I just thought i saw a spider, it was nothing." He murmured.
Youngjae's quickly went into the bed and buried himself under blanket and duvets.

He did nothing.

Jaebum was still bewildered from Youngjae's screaming but he too, went into the bed.
"Youngjae." He whispered. He leaned over and kissed his cheek and his ear.
"Youngjae," he whispered again, this time into his ear.
"Are you okay? Talk to me."

"I'm fine bummie, let's sleep."

Jaebum nodded, although he didn't know if Youngjae saw it.
Jaebum put his arm over Youngjae's shoulder and shuffled closer to him.

It didn't take long until he fell into a deep sleep.

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oooh, i'm back with them bad filler chapters ooooh.
Sorry this is so baD

Next chapter will be better I promise


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