'Wild life'

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"These friends are, new friends are golden"

Homesick at space camp - Fall out boy

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For once; Jaebum did not wake up groaning as he slammed his alarm clock until it stopped beeping, today, he felt excited waking up.
It was currently 10:30 am and Jaebum awoke from sleep happily because today was the day he was going to hang out with Jackson and Bambam. And hopefully Youngjae too. He was still sceptical about Bambam, of course, but he needed to socialize.

When Jaebum wasn't at home, watching sappy romantic comedy, he was working, actually leaving his apartment once in a while felt refreshing.
Today's breakfast was also, for once, not an apple. Although it wasn't a lot better since it was just toast with way too much butter on. But still. Jaebum felt like his everyday life was somehow changing and he was completely comfortable with it.

After having an unecessary long, hot shower, he was standing in front how his mirror. Clothes was scattered all around his bedroom/livingroom becuase he could not decide what to wear. Everything he tried on looked strange or out of place.

After trying on clothes for what felt like hours, he settled with a dark blue knitted sweatshirt and a pair blue jeans. And in case if Youngjae would join them he took out his hair gel and started styling.
He tried styling into a quiff, slicked back - then he had just looked like an korean version of Sherlock Holmes - but nothing really worked. So instead of hanging out with them with what looked like bird's nest on his head; he went and soaked his hair in water. He would rather have a bedhead than a bush for hair.
As Jaebum was drying his hair, he glanced at the clock above his door. On it, it said: 1:55 pm. He was supposed to meet up with Jackson and the other's in 5 mintues.
Jaebum promptly dropped the towel he was holding and almost ran and grabbed his keys, phone and wallet, slanming the door behind him.

• • •

Jackson, Bambam - and possibly Youngjae - were late. The clock read 2:15 pm and Jaebum was starting to grow unpatient. He contemplated calling Jackson (he had Jackson's number for work emergencies), but he didn't want to seem annoying.

Eventually, he saw Jackson in the corner of his eye. After spotting them, Jaebum immediately turned his attention towards them and started walking.

"Sorry we're late," Jackson said before Jaebum even though about what to say. "We needed to pick up Bambam's sidekick." He finnished.

"Did you just call me a sidekick?" An annoyed voice said behind Bambam.
Jaebum felt like the energy around them suddenly changed - although he it was likely that he was imagining it - when he saw the familiar face behind Bambam's back. Jaebum had been correct; it was Youngjae.
"JB, this is my friend Youngja-"
"Bambam, you don't need to introduce us, we've met." Youngjae interrupted bambam. When he finnished, Bambam wore a suprised face but he didn't ask questions about how they met.
Youngjae was looking gleefully at Jaebum but Jackson spoke up, breaking the silence.

"So, me and Bambam thought we could go the zoo, see some animals," Jackson said. "How does that sound?"
Youngjae and Jaebum nodded simultaneously in agreement.
"Great, let's get going then." Bambam said, sounding excited, and so they were off to the zoo.

Since it was a warm september saturday; the zoo was packed with families and couples who was intently staring at the different animals.

After entering; the four boys immediately fell in love with the atmosphere. All of the trees where bright orange but no leaves were falling. People in clown suits and costumes were walking around, taking pictures with kids and giving out helium balloons.
Jackson, who was probably the most excited out of all of them, went up to one of clown and asked to buy a balloon. Not becuase he would love a giant balloon with a minion on it, but becuase he wanted to breathe in the helium.
He took a long, deep breath out of minion's head and said: "Jaebum oppa~" A loud roar of laughter was heard throughout the four of them (although Youngjae was laughing so much that his laugh was barerly audible). People were giving them angry stares for laughing so loudly but the didn't mind in the slightest.

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