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I open my eyes slowly. Bright light blinds me. I look up to see a boy no older than me. My eyes widen.

The boy looks at me with his gray eyes. He looks as if he wants to speak but can't find the right words.

"Who are you?" I croak out, my voice isn't normal yet.

"I..." The boy tries to speak but someone lifts me out of his arms.

I'm carried to a room. Someone lays me carefully on a bed. Men and women in white jackets surround me, taking my vitals and checking on me.

The boy walks in flanked by two large men. The boy is tall and has raven black hair. He radiates power and I know he must be someone important.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Antilia Daystrum." I answer his question. "What year is it?"

" 2316." The boy states.

"I was frozen for 200 years!" I shriek. That can't be right. I was supposed to wake up after 100 years. This is a century too late.

The boy simply nods. I shake my head in disbelief.

"How old are you?" The boy is clearly interrogating me.

"I'm thirteen," I say.

The boy's eyes widen at this but his face remains neutral.

"Doctor is she healthy?" The boy turns to a man.

"Yes. She's quite strong and healthy. It's clear why she was the only survivor.
I would like her to stay overnight, but I would need your permission." An older man says.

The only survivor? That can't be right either. There were ten of us. How was I the only one who survived?

"Come with me," the boy comes over to me.

I stand rigidly. I know I should listen to him.

"Relax. We're only going on a walk," the boy gives me a small smile. "Gentlemen you may wait here."

The two large men seem reluctant to let the boy out of their sight but obey nonetheless.

"Are you named after the constellation?" The boy asks.

"Yes. My father is... was a doctor. He however loved space and I was named after a constellation." I correct my mistake. My father is long gone. "I still don't know your name."

"I apologize. My name is Zakary Cliton." The boys says.

I nod. "Why did you wait this long to unfreeze me?" I ask.

"You are needed. Or that's what the Chancellor thinks. I'm not sure why." Zakary says.

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused, why am I needed?" I state.

"You were preserved to help fix the world weren't you?" Zakary looks at me with expectancy.

"I was." I reply. That was why I was here. They knew one day something would go wrong with the world and that someone would need to help put it back together.

"I'm afraid that our time is cut short. I'll return tomorrow to get you and meet the Chancellor," Zakary says.

"Okay," I nod and we head back to the room I'm to stay in tonight.

I bid farewell to Zakary and lay against the cold surface of the metal bed.

"You are something special," one of the doctors says. "You are a very powerful person, Miss Daystrum."

I nod. I don't understand why I'm so exhausted after sleeping for 200 years but I am.

Soon I fall into a deep sleep where no dreams great me.


I wake with a jolt. A nurse jumps at my movement and drops the tablet she was carrying.

"I'm sorry," I say. I'm still groggy from sleep.

"Miss," the nurse squeaks. "You need to change into this."

She hands me a blue dress. It's a v-neck that reaches just below my knees. I go into the bathroom and change into the dress. It fits perfectly. I look in the mirror.

My light brown hair is just like it was when I was frozen. I let it out of the bun and it falls loose around my shoulders.

My ice blue eyes stare back at me. I was never what people considered beautiful. I was in fact quite normal. Now I'm said to be somebody extraordinary.

I leave the bathroom and sit on the bed. The nurse checks my vitals and from her expression is proud of the results.

"The Devisee should be here to get you soon." The nurse squeaks. She's quite nice but I can tell she's shy.

"Thank you," I say.

She smiles and leaves the room. She returns with a steaming tray. On it is a bowl of oatmeal and some weird green drink.

"It's a kickstarter," she explains at my expression.

I slowly take a sip. It tastes like chai. I eagerly drink some more and eat some oatmeal. After I finish my breakfast, the nurse takes back the tray. I carefully smooth out my dress.

The door to the room opens and Zakary steps inside. Upon seeing me his eyes sparkle.

" look very nice," he says sheepishly.

"As do you," I reply. He does. He wears a dark blue jacket that sets off his gray eyes.

"Come with me," he says as he leads me out of wherever I was. We get into a strange vehicle.

It hovers above the ground and is a sleek, rain drop shape.

I slowly enter it. I sit down but see there are no seat belts.

At my expression, Zakary explains," Transporters are perfectly safe. There is no need to look frightened."

"I'm not. It's just where are the seat belts?" I ask.

"The what's?" Zachary has a bewildered look on his face.

I have momentarily forgotten that this is the future. This place is safer and more advanced than when I was frozen.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To see the Chancellor." Zakary says looking out the window.

"The nurse called you the Devisee. What are you the heir of?" I ask.

" On my fifteenth birthday, I'll be the Chancellor." He explains.

At fifteen? That's awfully young for someone to lead a country. I'm surprised.

"I've been training my while life to be Chancellor," Zakary continues.

The transporter stops. The door is opened and Zakary gets out. He helps me get out of the car.

"I never got to say it but welcome to the Capital of Endovia." He says gesturing to the city that surround us.

Flanked by four large men, we are led to the top floor of the building. The we enter an office.

An middle aged man stand facing the other way. He turns as we enter the room.

"You must be Antilia."

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