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"Did you hear about the Devisee?" One of the nurses asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes. It's truly awful." Another said.

They all thought I was asleep but they were wrong. Normally I stay quiet.

"What happened?" I croak.

"Well dear...the Devisee had this sort of attack. It was awful. They almost lost him. Thank the heavens that Dr. Weltin was able to save him!" The nurse exclaims.

"Oh..." I can't believe he's nearly died. I need to see him.

"Is he here in the lab?" I ask.

"Why yes. Yes he is," the other nurse says. They finish whatever they were doing. I think they were cleaning.

"May I go for a walk?" I ask quickly.

"Yes dear. You can go anywhere you want but remember to come here before dinner." The nurse says, shutting the door.

"Thank you." I whisper.

I slide off the bed. Having my feet on the ground feels amazing. I take out my IV and walk out of the room.

I quietly shut the door behind me. I hear the click and leave. The sad thing is... I have no clue where I'm going. At all.

I wander aimlessly through the halls.

"Are you looking for the Devisee?" A voice squeaks from behind me.

I turn to see Louise.

"Yes. Will you take me?" I plead.

She nods and I follow her. We go to the very back of the lab. Finally she stops before a door.

"Go in. He's not awake yet." She gestures at the door.

"Thank you," I whisper. I slip into the room.

Zakary is on a bed. His eyes are closed and he is deadly pale. He lies unmoving. Dark circles surround his eyes. Sweat gleams on his forehead.

There is no reassuring beeping. I can hear his ragged breath and that's enough for me to know he's alive.

"Zakary." I whisper as I slowly walk to be beside him.

He moans. It's a small sound.

Even though he's sick, he looks peaceful when he sleeps. His face is sculpted perfectly. All I can do is stare.

I reach out to feel his head. He feels almost too warm. His fever must be very high.

I sit beside him and watch him sleep. What had happened to him?

He groans and his head lolls to the side. His eyes open.

"Zakary..." I whisper. "What happened to you?"

"I don't remember a lot of it," he says. "I remember not being able to breath. I thought I was dead."

His voice is raspy. His gray eyes have lost any gleam they once had.

Dead. That word rings in my head.

He's already asleep again when I look back at him. I pull his blankets up to cover him better. He shivers still.

Then a man enters.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm...Antilia Daystrum." I answer. "And you are?"

"Dr. Weltin." The man replies in a gruff voice." What do you think you're doing here?"

"Checking on Zakary. I was told I could." I say.

"Well you need to leave." The doctor says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just leave." He says.

I stay planted to my chair. I'm not leaving Zakary with this strange man.

"You have to understand miss, I'm here to help the Devisee ." Dr. Weltin says.

"I'm staying." I say.

The doctor shrugs. He goes over to a special table and pulls up a 3D DNA scan.

He clicks a few buttons. Then a 3D anatomy appears over Zakary's frail body.

I almost scream at the sight. There is no heart but metal. Instead of a brain there is a motherboard.

"What the hell is that thing?" I stutter. I move away from Zakary.

"That is Zakary." Dr. Weltin says.

"No. That's a...a machine." I exclaim. My body still shakes from the scare.

"Zakary is no normal child. He's a specially designed Humoid." The doctor explains. "This technology is amazing and Zakary has been perfect."

"But why?" I ask quietly.

"Because the first Devisee died. We couldn't afford another failure so we created Zakary."

"So he's not even close to human?" I whisper.

"No. He has human DNA but he is better than a normal human being." The doctor taps on the motherboard.

He looks at a bunch of codes. "Awe yes. Of course it's here, the deepest part of his coding. He broke down."

"What? How is he still alive?" I ask.

"Because he has something to live for." The doctor mutters.

"You should leave. I'll have Zakary fixed up soon." The doctor might of well have pushed me out the door.

I walk back to my room. A bunch of doctors are in there.

"Where were you girl?" One growls at me.

I don't have time to answer before I am pushed down onto the bed. My head hits it hard and my vision spins.

My arms are attached down to the table by restraints. All the tubes are attached to me. I don't feel anything.

I shake my head.

"I wasn't supposed to have a draw today!" I whimper.

"Well when the Chancellors life is involved, we can speed things up!" Another growls. I feel them insert the drug into me and then my blood trickle through the tube.

So the Chancellor is sick. Possibly dying. Apparently they are speeding things up so they can save him.

But if he does, then...

Zakary. I'll never get that sight out of my head. He's not human. He's a...what did he call it? A Humoid.

I don't fight the drug, what's the point? There's no way to get my Zakary back. I'm going to die anyway. But at least I got to see the future. I can't say that much for the other frozen people.

I wish I could go back and not become one of the frozen people. To grow up and be normal like my other friends. Friends that have been gone for a long time.

I wish I didn't have to endure this pain. It hurts worse than anything.

But this is my new life and I'm going l change that. Starting with getting Zakary out of here.


Hey guys. are you all. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.

QOTD: What song is your name right now?

Answer-Right now it's That's My Girl by Fifth Harmony

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