
14 4 1

I'm screaming again. They draw more of my blood. They say this is the last time for a little while. I don't really believe them.

Nobody is in the room. At least I don't think there is anyone. The only sound in the room is my screams. At least I can fall asleep.

In my dreams this isn't real. My dreams are my memories of before. Before I was frozen and lost everything and everyone I have ever loved.

Maybe I'll find somebody to love here in the future. What am I even talking about? Love is such a girly thing. Not something that I should get all giddy over and think about. I already have to much on my mind.

Maybe if I fall asleep everything will go back to as it should be. Just maybe.

So I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless and painful sleep.

But I don't sleep long. I'm soon shaken awake by a soft hand.

"Mom?" I whisper moan as I open my tired eyes.

But it's not my mother grinning at me but a boy. He looks about fifteen maybe older.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Don't worry I'm here to help. Are you Antilia Daystrum?" The boy asks. His voice is light and playful.

"Yes. You didn't answer my question."

"Oh. My name is Grant." The boy says as he loosens my restraints. He must has already taken the tubes out.

"Thank you." I say as I sit up, rubbing my ankles.

"Oh I'm not done yet. Come on we have to get out of here." Grant says as he opens the door.

I smile and follow him through the twisting hallways of the lab.

"Stop!" A gruff voice calls out as we near the exit.

I turn to see a humongous man. He's running at us with something in his hand.

"Hurry." Grant grabs my arm and drags me towards the door. "Don't look back and follow me."

I nod and we run. We run until Grant drags me through the doors of a vehicle. The doors shut and I feel us moving. I stop to get my breath back and to let my heart steady.

Finally I look up. I slowly stand and take a seat beside Grant.

"Antilia?" A soft voice asks.

I turn to see Zakary. He looks a little shaken.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with disbelief in his voice.

A girl is beside him. She looks to be Grant's age.

"I don't know. Would one of you like to tell us what the hell is going on?" I ask.

"That's not for us to tell you." The girl starts.

"We broke you out." Grant says at the same time.

I look at him waiting for a better explanation. Now I can see him more clearly. Butterscotch blonde hair is parted to the side and gelled back. His chocolate brown eyes are dancing in the light. He wears a black leather jacket and black pants. Every part of him screams "bad boy."

And he looks exactly like someone I used to know. He looks like Jeremiah. Jeremiah was one of my friends in the past. The first boy I ever crushed on. My cheeks go red at the memory.

"Why would you break us out?" Zakary asks.

"Well you are the next Chancellor. Having you on our side would benefit us all. Antilia is from the past and can help us as well. We need your help. I'm not supposed to be the one to tell you why." Grant continues.

"Grant you aren't supposed to say anything!" The girl says.

"Who are you exactly?" Zakary and I ask at the same time.

"Oh sorry. My name is Evangeline. Most people call me Eva for short." The girl says. She doesn't offer her hand and I don't either. I don't think I like her very much.

"Where are we going?" Zakary asks.

"North. It's kinda cold there so you'll need these." Grant tosses us parkas.

The vehicle abruptly stops. I fall into Grant but quickly get off of him.

"Well we're here," Eva says as she puts on a parka.

I do the same. Eva and Grant get out first then I follow. Zakary is behind me.

When I get out of the vehicle, cold bites my nose. My whole body shivers.

"We aren't in freaking Antarctica! Why's it so cold?" I shiver as a gust of wind blows in my face.

"Because 100 years ago we had weather issues. You'll get used to it." Grant says as he grabs a large briefcase from the vehicle.

I nod. For once I'm happy I was frozen during that part. I hate being cold.

I look through the snow and see the ocean. Or at least I think it's the ocean. It actually is a layer of ice that spreads father than the eye can see.

I suck in a breath. At the same time I hear a crack. I look under my feet. We're on the ice. And I just broke it.

I step backward so that I don't fall through. I stumble into Zakary.

"It's okay. This ice is ten feet thick or more. The scientists have been researching it. You just cracked the surface," he whispers in my ear.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on. The director wants to meet you," Eva says.

I nod. We follow her through the swirling snow. It's freezing here.

"Hey. You okay?" Grant comes up beside me. He's unsettling. Probably because he reminds me so much of Jeremiah.

"Yeah. This is a little overwhelming being free from them. Also I'm freezing!" I exclaim as my teeth chatter.

He chuckles. "Yeah. My sister and I were orphaned and lived on the streets before we were taken here."

"You're sister?" I ask.

"Evangeline." He keeps walking. So that's why they look so alike.

"Um Grant what's your last name?" I ask.

"Why?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just wondering," I say.

"Oh. It's Parns." He says nonchalantly.

Just like Jeremiah.


Hey. Thanks for reading if you are. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Mae_Christie for being so supportive.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Also I put Breaking Ice in the Wattys!

QOTD: Who is your idol?

Answer: Probably Carli Lloyd. :)

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