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"My name is Zakary Cliton. I'm thirteen years old. On my fifteenth birthday I will become Chancellor. I am not allowed to have friends, I'm not to ask questions and I'm not allowed to break any other rules." I recite this as if reading from a drill manual. No emotion just like it's supposed to be.

Ever since I had woken up I've felt good. Better than I ever had in fact. I've felt pure.

"What about the girl?" Dr. Weltin asks.

"There is a girl named Antilia Daystum. She was the only frozen person to survive the past 200 years. She is being used to save our people. I am not to connect with her in any way. She is a sacrifice for the greater good and I will not disrupt this." I answer.

" Very good."

Clarkson comes into the room. "Is he fixed?"

"Yes. He's ready for you to take him back." Dr. Weltin says.

Clarkson nods and motions for me to follow him.

"How do you feel?" He asks with concern.

"Perfect," I answer.

He sighs of relief. I wonder why.

However questions shouldn't cloud my vision. It's late and I need rest.

We arrive at the apartment building. I head up to mine. I enter the familiar room and close the door. I'm exhausted after today.

I head to my room. My bed is large. I plop down onto it and take off my shoes. I take off my jacket and lay back onto the pillows. Soon I'm asleep.

There's one thing about me that nobody knows. I am incapable of having dreams. At least now I know why.

I know what I am now. And it all makes since. I'm advanced. I'm better than everyone else. But that gives me weakness. I feign emotion because I cannot have it. I used to be able to but since I've woken up I haven't been able to feel anything. It's almost like a hole has been ripped into me and that cause me to feel nothing.

I'm shaken awake by something.

"Zakary! Wake up! Where have you been the past three days?" Someone hisses.

I open my eyes to a girl. Her ice blue eyes glare at me with rage and her light brown hair is pulled tight in a ponytail.

"Who are you?" I ask. What is a stranger doing in my private apartment?

"Zakary stop. I'm Antilia. You broke me out of the lab three days ago. You brought me here and then you disappeared," the girl says. This is Antilia.

I don't remember any of this. I never met this girl. Or have I? She seems to know me.

"You should be at the lab," I say. I have no emotion in my voice.

Her expression is confused. She's so stupid and mundane. How could she not know that she is serving the greater good?

"Guards!" I yell.

Antilia's face is hurt. She stares at me with sad eyes. However it doesn't affect me. I'm doing what needs to be done.

"Sir are you alright?" A large man asks as he rushes into my room.

"Please take this girl back to where she belongs," I instruct.

"Yes sir," the man grabs Antilia by the arm and takes her away.

"Why are you acting like this? I don't even know who you are anymore!" Antilia spits at me before the door is shut.

I sigh loudly and change into my jacket. I wish I didn't have to wear it in the hot weather but I can't change that.

I walk into my kitchen. Breakfast has already been prepared for me and I slowly eat the oatmeal.

"What do I have today?" I ask as a man comes in. He's my assistant.

"Sir, you have a meeting in an hour and training after that. After your training you have been instructed to oversee one of the experiments at the lab and check on the subject. You must compose a report of your visit for the Chancellor." The man reads off of a tab.

Wonderful. I have to see Antilia again. I thank the assistant and go downstairs. I get into a sleek transporter and ride to the meeting building. I'm early as to be expected. Clarkson is the only person in the room.

"Hello Zakary. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Fine." I state. He looks awful. I know he hasn't gotten much sleep lately because of the rebels in the city. He still doesn't know why they are here.

"That's good. There hasn't been any glitches?" He asks.

I know he's referring to my programming.

"I assure you that nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly fine," I say.

"Good. Good." He seeks distracted. I long to ask him a question that has been bugging me since last night but I can't break that rule.

Soon all the men show up. The meeting is called to order. I listen intently knowing in less than two years it will be my responsibility to head these meetings.

Soon the meeting ends. For once I'm not exhausted from the meeting.

"Zakary, take a walk with me," Clarkson says.

I follow him out the door.

"Is something wrong?" He asks as soon as we are away from the other men.

"Actually yes. I know it's against the rules and I can't break them but..." I am interrupted.

"Go on ahead ask," Clarkson urges.

"Why was I created?" I blurt. I had just broken a rule!

"You are special. And you were created because I had an apprentice before you. However he wasn't fit for this. We couldn't risk having another failure so we created you. You are perfect Zakary." Clarkson explains.

I nod as I comprehend this all.

"I have physical training," I say, excusing myself.

Training was simple. I have it three times a week because I need to be in peak shape. Soon I have to go to the lab.

I get into the transporter and head to the lab. The lab isn't a place I enjoy but it is somewhere where my attention is needed.

I step inside. A girl leads me through the halls to a viewing room. I'm going to see how we will save our people. I'm going to see the experiment.

Hey guys. I know it's pretty short and I'm sorry for switching the order around.

Zakary is so much different now!

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