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I remember waking up. That's all. Well except for the girl. She was there sitting beside my bed. Her eyes were full of sadness.

But that's all. I don't remember anything after that. Everything is dark and that's all.

I just want to wake up.

But I can't even open my eyes. I don't know why but I can't.

I want to though.

I want to see the sky blue eyes that stated at me with concern. Real concern. Concern that was for me. I have gotten concerned looks but they don't care about me.

They don't want another failure like the first. I'm the alternative. But first I need to wake up.

But I can't open my eyes. Maybe tomorrow but not today.


"Zakary. Please wake up," a voice whispers. A soft breath tickles my ear. "Please." The voice urges.

So I do. I open my eyes. And am immediately blinded. I squint my eyes and blink. But that doesn't help.

"He's awake!" A girl's voice yells.

Finally my eyes adjust to the bright lights that shine in my eyes.

I sit up but pain shoots through my head, forcing me to lay down again. I feel strong hands on my arms.

"Zakary, are you alright?" A deep, gruff voice asks.

"Yes," I answer.

"Alright. Sit up slowly." The person helps me sit up.

I look around. I'm on a bed, more like table. A man, Dr. Weltin, stands beside me and a girl, Antilia, stands a few feet behind him.

"What exactly happened?" I ask. Authority is hinted in my voice. And for once, I hate it.

I've never hated it. It has always been in my voice. That's my design.

But now I hate it. I hate sounding like in better than everyone else because I'm not. I used to think that I was but my brush with death changed everything.

"You...shut down. It's a miracle you survived." Dr. Weltin exclaims.

I only nod. I'm looking at Antilia. She's not staring at me anymore. She's listening to the doctor speak. Why won't she look at me?

Dr. Weltin leaves the room. I don't get an answer for why he leaves but I know that  it has to be important.

Antilia stays. She at least looks at me but I can't read the expression in her eyes. She doesn't speak.

"Antilia..."I start after a very awkward silence.

"Zakary. I know what your are," she says those six words in barely a whisper.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I know what she means. She knows I'm not exactly human.

"You know what I mean. Stop lying to me Zakary," she sputters.

"I'm sorry." My voice softens. Its inaudible.

But she hears it.

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