Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24.

(press play on the side if you wish)

*Louis’ thoughts/pov*

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me!” I belted out the lyrics to The Fray as I drove in and out of streets. This song is a fucking lie. No one found me. I was once lost and insecure and yet no one bothered to even give me a second glance. They ignored me.

Lying on the floor, you found me, you found me.

I was lying on the floor and yet not one single fucker bothered to help me. They left me there. Helpless. Beaten and bruised.

Until the day I left.

~ flashback ~



“You’re such a pathetic piece of shit Tomlinson!” Jackson spat on me as he walked away with his so called friends. I groaned as I sat up against the lockers. Why do these people do this to me? Is it because I get good grades and care about my future? Is it because I dress differently to them? Is it because I wear glasses? Sure, I like to wear red pants and stripy shirts but don’t other people like to wear what they like too? What’s so different about me?


I made my way through the school halls and made it to chemistry. I love chemistry class. I’m at the top of the class and I love learning about this kind of stuff. The only downfall is that Jackson’s minions are in this class. Meaning that I don’t enjoy it as much as I’d like to. I still do everything I’m supposed to, just with the bother that they distract me and throw things at me while I’m trying to learn. Jackson’s girlfriend is the worst out of all of them when Jackson isn’t around. When Jackson’s around, she just stays by his side, laughing at me as he beats me and calls me names. But when he isn’t around, she turns into a female version of him. Minus the hard beatings. She slaps me, scratches me and calls me names but at least it isn’t as bad as Jackson’s beatings.





School finally finished and I bolted out of class before Jackson could find me and beat me up. I slung the other strap of my bag over my shoulder and continued on my journey to where I go every day after school. Unless however I’m needed at home for something. But other than that, this is my place. My getaway from reality. My escape from the misery in my life.


I walked down the familiar gravel road until I finally reached my destination. The dock. I love this place. I wish it wasn’t so cold here in England so I could swim in the lake but I don’t want to catch a cold or probably die from the water being so cold. Hopefully someday I can go to Australia and go to the beach there. I’ve only ever dreamed of going there. The perfect beaches, the sun shining every day. I could get used to that.


I sat down at the end of the dock and put my earphones in. I pressed play and the familiar sound of my favourite song filled my ears. The Fray- Look After You. This song is perfect.

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