Chapter 45.

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Chapter 45.

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

It's been about a month since I apologised to Louis. And surprisingly everything went well. I apologised for being a bitch and he forgave me, simple as that. He also truly apologised for the way he used to bully me etc. So I guess we just both apologised to one another and now we're on a somewhat good note. But ever since then my life has been good. Two weeks ago I went for a written test to get my driver's license and passed, now I'm doing lessons so I can do my driving test and hopefully pass so I can drive myself places. And just last week I had two job interviews for some jobs I applied for. One of which was for the local supermarket and the other was for a small book store. From what I assumed all went well and they said they would contact me within the next week or so, which should be soon.

Since becoming on equal terms with Louis, Marcel and I have sometimes been sitting with their group at the cafeteria. I enjoy it because we always have good laughs and Niall is always finding a new way to provoke Liam which is highly amusing. The reason why we don't sit there as often as we could is because those stupid girls are constantly there. One of which I don't know her name and the others being Stacey and Chloe. Aka- satans daughters.

Marcel and I are back to being the best of friends like we were before he lost his memory, it's as if it never happened. But there's always the reminder of the heartbreak I went through when it happened. As for Zayn and I, I guess we're dating now. Maybe we were before but we haven't officially labelled ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend. But we do things couples do I guess? I don't know. But it's been going on for a month. But yeah, the past month has been good. The only downfall is that the asshole that knocked into Marcel in the hallway is always doing things to provoke or annoy Marcel and I. He tends to pick on us. He trips Marcel occasionally, knocks into him, throws his books on the floor- typical amateur bullying I guess. But the guys don't know about it, Marcel and I decided to try keep it out of their reach. Since we became closer with them they tend to be very protective of us.

"Oh look it's the geeks." Tyler I'd learnt the assholes name to be walked up to Marcel and I as we stood by our lockers.

"Fuck off Tyler." I glared at him and he only seemed to laugh. I get rid of my bullies and now there's another? What a joy. But he goes very easy on us compared to what Lou and the boys used to do to us. He mainly sticks to insults or trying to embarrass us and shoving. Nothing majorly physical.

"What are you two doing, finding other ways to be completely pathetic and useless to the earth?" His jock friends laughed from behind him and I mimicked their laughs sarcastically.

"Go shove a cactus up your ass. Don't you have anything better to do?" He glared at me and Marcel nudged me.

"Let's just go to class early Winter." Marcel gave me a look and I sighed.

"Listen to your boyfriend geek, keep on insulting me and it won't result in anything good." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Go fuck yourself." I grabbed Marcel's arm lightly and walked with him towards the library. I sat down in one of the chairs and Marcel sat down in the one across from me. The school day hasn't even begun and I'm already ready to go home.

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