Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27.

Warning: Poop chapter ahead! Don't hate me!

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

“Are you still going to eat that?” I groaned.

“For the thousandth time, yes. If you’re still hungry, go and buy more food.” I shoved some fries in my mouth.

“I’m full. I was just asking because you eat slower than my grandma. And she has no teeth.” I blew a deep breath out and continued eating.

“Can you please stop watching me eat? It’s no wonder why I’m taking so damn long.” I looked up at him. “With you watching me like a hawk.” He shifted in his seat across from mine and I saw him swallow.. It was more of a gulp actually.

“Look, I didn’t invite you here just so we could eat.” I dropped the fry I was eating and my stomach immediately felt as if I was going to throw up everything I just ate. “I invited you here so I could apologize.” My mouth fell open and I picked my fry back up. I thought he was going to drag me outside and kill me. Well that’s a relief. “Ahem.” He cleared his throat, pulling something out of his suit pocket.

A folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it and glanced up at me with a nervous look on his face and I held in my smirk at the sight.

“Dear Winter-“ He isn’t.. “I know you hate me and I don’t blame you. I hate me too. But just hear me out. I’m sorry for bullying you. I’m sorry for all the crude remarks, I’m sorry for throwing things at you and I’m sorry for being a part of the reason why no one in school likes you. Sorry. That sounded less cruel in my head.. Anyways, I can’t begin to imagine how all of this has made you feel and I didn’t think about it to be honest. Louis started everything and he was saying that you were this girl, I forget her name but I do know that it wasn’t Winter.” He took a breath. “He said how this girl used to bully him and help beat him up so of course, me as his friend- his stupid friend decided that it would be best to get revenge. Yeah, it’s extremely stupid and my mother raised me better than this but what I did happened and I can’t take it back. This isn’t me and I don’t like being this person. So from this day forward, I want to be nothing but your friend and to be nice to you. I know it’s a big leap but I’d be so grateful if you were to forgive me. But if not, I understand. Thank you for listening. The end? Bye? Shit. How the hell am I supposed to end this?” He cursed under his breath and put the paper back in his pocket. “I’m sorry.”

I sat staring at him in shock. What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to forgive him but he gave me a legitimate apology. That was written on paper. That he rehearsed.

“Um.. So do you forgive me? Or do you still hate me? I don’t really know how these types of things work so..” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I sighed and closed my eyes. I better not regret this.

“I forgive you.” I said so quickly, I’m not even sure if I actually said it. “But, make sure your little ‘buddies’ don’t try the same thing because it won’t work. I’m going to be honest, that little thing you did there was- uh- sweet?” This is so awkward. “But it won’t happen again.”

“Oh- I- yes! Thank you so much!” He grinned and I relaxed in my seat. At least I don’t have to worry about him killing me. Wait.

“Was this a setup?!” His face fell and his mouth opened slightly.

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