Chapter 46.

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Note: photo on the side or above is simply the outfit Winter is wearing.

Chapter 46.

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

Detention with Niall has been one of the most annoying experiences of my life. Mr. Jackson has been gone for the majority of the time to make "copies" but I'm almost certain he's been in the teacher lounge, stuffing his face with left over donuts. So I've spent most of the time in here throwing crumpled up pieces of paper in the rubbish bin across the room while Niall spent his time writing music of some sort in a book he pulled out of his bag. I asked him earlier if he played any instruments aside from the guitar and he got all red in the face and closed his notebook. He then changed the subject and asked me about that Tyler asshole.. Which leads to this conversation now.

"So you now have a new bully?" He snickered and I threw a piece of paper at him. 

"No, I don't. He's just some asshole. Why? Do you know him?" I asked and Niall rubbed the back of his neck and shifted uncomfortably. 

"Nah, like you said- he's just some asshole." I studied him and he directed his gaze away from me.. He's obviously keeping something from me and I intend to find out what it is.

I was about to abuse the answer out of him when Mr. Jackson came back in, telling us we could leave. Praise the lord! Niall grabbed his backpack and ran out of the room faster than I knew he could run. I noticed he dropped his notebook he's ever so protective of and I picked it up, running after him. I ran after him as he ran out of the school doors and caught up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him to face me.

"Tell me what your hiding from me about Tyler or you will never see this again." I threatened and he tried to grab it out of my hands, failing miserably when I moved it away from him and he groaned. 

"I don't know him as well as Zayn does. Go and ask him." My eyes narrowed and I gave him back his notebook, him running off out of the school yard. What could Zayn possibly know about Tyler? I sighed and walked out of the school gates. I put my headphones in and my hands in my pockets as I walked home from school. It wasn't that long of a walk and arrived quicker than I thought I would. I grabbed my keys out of my bag and jogged up the front steps. I was about to unlock the front door when I realised that it was already open.. What the hell.. 

My stomach twisted in knots as I quietly made my way inside, closing the door behind me.. Maybe it's just mum or dad? Maybe they got back from their business trip early? But their cars aren't here.. I swallowed my fear and picked up a vase off the table and slowly walked up to my room. As I got to my room I saw the shadow of a man run across the room and I panicked throwing the vase at the serial killer who just so happened to duck and the vase smashed against the wall behind him. My breathing got heavier and when the person stood up straight I saw the familiar face. That asshole!

"What are you doing in here?! You scared the shit out of me!" I hit his chest and he chuckled. 

"Sorry babe, I just wanted to be here when you got home." He grinned. "By the way, you have quite the arm." He smirked and I mocked him as I threw my bag on the floor. Zayn grabbed my waist gently and pulled me into him causing me to smile. He smiled and I wrapped my hands around his neck as he leaned down and kissed me, sending a tingling sensation through my body. I smiled up at him and he returned the gesture, pecking my lips. 

"How did you even get in my house?" 

"I picked the lock." He shrugged like it was no big deal and my eyes widened. 

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