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i think it's our goodbye


Shuu's POV

i watched her walked to the battlefield

goodbye, huh?

Author's POV

YN stopped in the middle of the battle. several wolves noticed her and started to rushed to her. but when the wolves about to tackled her, there's white glow coming from the (hair color) haired girl. the wolves that near her bounce away. that attracted the other's attention.

"What the hell?" Ayato looked to white thing.

"What is that?!" Yuuma punched another wolf.

"That's..... YN" Shuu mumbled.


YN's eyes turned white, she rosed from the ground. just like ghost, she's flying.


She mumbled and then the white lights spreaded. Piercing through every wolves. that's when carla and shin appeared. they looked at YN with eyes both widened.

'The angel has come'

They cannot do anything to fight against YN.


As the white light spread from my body, flashbacks went through my mind. When father left me, my life in the orphanage, when I first came to the mukami, when I found yui.

The most precious flashback is, shuu

When I first met him, how I wanted to protect him.

When his first I love you

I somehow know that after this, my soul will slowly leaving my body. But I don't care, as long as they safe.

I saw shin and karla. I focused my power to them. The light reached them, and piercing through their body. They fell to the ground. That's when I know they're dead.

Once the battlefield is clear. The light faded and my body slowly fell to the ground.

Shuu's POV

I caught her body. Tears falling from my eyes as I saw her beauty face. She looked so peacefull. I don't know what will happen next. I'm just afraid that I will lose her.

When I'm deep in thought, a hand caress my cheek. That's when I noticed it's YN's hand.

"Shuu-kun" She looked deep to my eyes, I saw sadness in there.

"You're gonna be alright" I tried to reassure her.

"It's okay"


"Can you kiss me?" She mumbled

I leaned to her, closing the gap between us. my forehead touched hers. I kiss her passionately, feeling her plump lips against mine. I pulled away after a few seconds.

"Please you need to stay alive, I need you" I hugged her close.

"You can live without me Shuu" I felt her hand patted my blonde hair.

"No! I cant" I sobbed in her shoulder.

She pulled from the hug. Cupping my face in her small hands.

"You can"

I just cried

"It's nothing Shuu, you can do this, it's nothing" She smiled.

What I fear the most.

Her hands went limp and her shiny eyes closed.


"You can't do this to me YN" I yelled shaking her body. Hoping that it's just a joke.

"Shuu" All the brother were behind him, watching all the scenario.


Helloo, sorry for making you guys waiting

There's gonna be an epilogue for this story

Let's hope I don't take too much time for an update, hehe

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