Chapter 18

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Harry POV:

As I got into the shower and started washing my hair, I suddenly realized that I was really excited. I had crossed paths with this girl at a shop a long time ago in a shop in Holmes Chapel. I remember Eleanor yelling at me not to go out with her. Even at the age of two she didn't want me to get hurt by some girl. Anyways, I began talking to her and realized she didnt like me, but her sister did. So, of course, she set me up with her sister who happened to be studying here in London. I'm going into this blind. I hardly know anything about this girl besides her name, but that kind of adds to the excitement.

As I stepped out of the shower, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself. It's the girls, and I'm pretty sure they're used to it. I opened the front door and saw just Eleanor standing there. "Harry, promise me you aren't going to rip your towel off in front of me again, and then I'll move my hands away from my eyes," she said calmly. I laughed and agreed, an 'okay, I promise' slipping its way out.

I motioned for her to come in after stepping aside. She obliged and I shut the door behind her. "I'll go get Etch. Do you want anything?" I asked, walking towards the door leading downstairs.

El shook her head, "unless you putting clothes on is something, then no I'm good thanks." She grinned, looking around. "Is that a new plant, Harry?" She asked, pointing to a pot of artificial flowers on the ledge of the window looking into the family room.

I shook my head, "No, love. It's been there.." I laughed and opened the door. "ELEANOR CHARLOTTE, ELEANOR IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP," I yelled down to my sister.

"OKAY!" She yelled back. I closed the door and turned back to Eleanor.

"I will go fulfill your wish. What colors do girls like?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Why? Got a hot date?" Eleanor winked.

I nodded, "Yes, actually.."

She looked surprised, "I didn't think you'd actually say yes.. Erm, just wear anything.. You're Harry, you could wear a plastic shopping bag and she'd most definitely swoon." I nodded and thanked her before running up to my bedroom and putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a grey tee shirt. We were meeting up at the Starbucks downtown, so I didn't want to dress up too much. I heard Eleanor run up the stairs and I quickly ran back down to the kitchen where both of the girls were standing.

I picked up my wallet and handed my credit card to El who put it in her wallet. I bent down so I was eye level with Etch. "Okay, you better be good for the girls, alright? It's really nice of them to take you out with them. Mind your p's and q's, have fun, and buy some cute stuff, okay?" I smiled and kissed her forehead before standing up again. "I'll be back around three or four. I'll text you and you can bring her home whenever," I whispered to El who nodded.

"Alright, buttercup. Let's go, Sarah's in the car and she's gonna leave without us." She grabbed Etch's hand and walked back to the front door. Etch waved to me before she was whisked out the front door by Eleanor. I walked back up to my bedroom and finished getting ready before walking out to my car and making my way downtown. (walking fast, faces pass and i'm homebound. nanananananana nananananananananana)

Etch POV:

Eleanor buckled me into the backseat of Niall's- or what I assumed was Niall's since Sarah was driving- Range Rover. She quickly got into the passenger's seat and told Sarah to go get Danielle next, then Perrie, because knowing her, Zayn still hasn't gotten around to getting a new blow dryer and is still using Perrie's, so she's going to need a few extra minutes.

"I'm surprised Niall's car is so clean, honestly.." Eleanor noticed.

"I know. You'd expect crumbs, wrappers, and whatever else. That's what his flat looks like most of the time. I'm still convinced he only keeps me around to cook, clean, and tell him jokes." Eleanor laughed before looking back at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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