Chapter 6

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Etch POV:

I woke up to the sound of light snores coming from underneath me. I look to see a mop of curls spread out over the pillow. His eyes shut lightly and his eybrows slightly furrowed. I began slapping his cheeks. "Hazzy! Hazzy! HAWOLD! WAKE UP!" I exclaimed jumping on his firm chest. He woke up, startled.

"jesus, Eleanor! Don't do that! I thought there was a fire or something!" he said hugging me tightly.

I shrugged, "Im hungwy, Hazzy." he smiled.

"Of course you are, Etch. Okay, go wake the other lads. I'll start breakfast" he said. I nodded and hopped out of the bed, causing me to slip on the wood floor and fall on my nappy padded bum. Harry shot up in the bed. "I okay, Hazzy. Don't wowwy" I smiled slightly and got up. He nodded and laid back down in my bed. I ran into the hallway, going into the playroom first to wake up any boys in there which just happened to be Liam, Niall, and Louis. Zayn still wanted the guest room apparently. I ran in and jumped on the nearest body, also known as Liam.

"LIAM! LIAM WAKE UP! HEY LIAM! ITS TIME TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP YOUR BUM! LIIAAMM!" I screamed jumping on him. He grabbed me and held me close to him like a stuffed animal. "LOUIS! NIALL! HELP ME! LIAM! WAKE UP!!" He eventually opened his eyes. "GOOOOD MORNIN LI LI!" I exclaimed jumping out of his arms. I walked over to Louis. "LOUUISS! WAKEE UPP!" I said into his ear.

His eyes shot open, "HEYY LIAM!" he called across the room. Liam had fallen back asleep. "LIAM WAKE YOUR ARS- BUM BACK UP!" he yelled.

Liams eyes slowly opened again, and he had a tired angry look on his face. "NIALL HAZZY'S MAKING FOOD!" I said prancing out the door. He shot straight up and ran out the door, picking me up on his mad rush down the stairs. "LIAM! GO WAKE ZAYN! I NOT ALLOWED IN HAZZY'S WOOM" I said before we made it down the hall. We got downstairs and Niall plopped down on the sofa, setting me on his lap.

"HARRY! MATE! WHENS THE FOOD GONNA BE READY?" Niall asked, flipping on the telly to some show about sports.

"I DUNNO NIALL. LIKE, 10 MINUTES?" Harry called from the kitchen into the living room. Niall sat there contently watching his sports highlights show, and I skipped off to the kitchen. I latched myself onto Harry's leg.

"watcha makin, Haz?" I asked. He looked down at me.

"pancakes! What else?" he laughed, stepping from the stove and putting me on his hip allowing me to look at the food.


"why do you say blueberry so wierd, you little munchkin?" Zayn asked as he strolled into the kitchen.

"Im not a munchkin! Niall's a munchkin!" I smiled. Zayn pinched my cheeks.

"HEY! I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT A MUNCHKIN" Niall called from the sofa.

"Hazzy?" I asked.

"Yes Etch?"

"can we go to the water park today?" I asked with big eyes.

"Eleanor!" he chuckled "Its the middle of December! The waterpark will be closed until June, love!" Harry said.

"aw, man!" I said. Liam and Louis made their way down the stairs.

"we heard Waterpark" Liam said.

"Hazzy said its closed 'til June!" I pouted.

"dangit!" Liam said, snapping his fingers. "I KNOW! LETS GO TO THE ZOO! THEY HAVE THOSE AWESOME LIGHTS!" He exclaimed.

"IM IN!" Niall called from the living room.

"can we go, Harry? PLEASE?" Louis asked tugging on his arm.

Harry sighed, "okay. We'll go after breakfast. Go get dressed and stuff"

"YAY!" we all exclaimed at once. Louis grabbed me and ran up the stairs. He's been like my second brother in these past 24 hours.

He quickly raided my closet and drawers until he found everything orange I owned. He slipped an orange jumper with a bunny on the front over my head, then slid me into my orange leggings, and orange trainers. He dug out my orange handwarmer gloves and my green scarf. He combed out my hair, left the room, and came back with a green snapback. He smiled at his masterpiece then went to get himself dressed. I walked down the stairs. Harry's expression was hilarious. I just smiled and looked up at him.

"let me guess, Eleanor. Louis dressed you" I nodded proudly.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA" I heard Niall laugh. "you're precious" he pinched my cheeks. "wait a second.." he paused. "Is that my snapback?" he questioned.

I shrugged, "ask Louis" he nodded and ran up the steps.

"HURRY UP GUYS! WE'VE GOT TO LEAVE SOON!" Harry called up to the boys. Following that statement, all of the boys trotted down the stairs.

"GOIN TO THE ZOOOO" I sang as Harry carried me out the front door. He strapped me into my carseat, and Liam sat next to me.

"what are you most excited to see, Eleanor?" he asked.

"The girraffes!" I smiled.

"me too! Yeah buddy!" Niall said high-fiving me.

"Hey, Hazzy?" I asked after being in the car for a few minutes.

"yes, Eleanor?" 

"Are we there yet?" Harry sighed.

"So it starts.." he muttered.


HEY GUYS! Sorry for the late update :( OMG I GOT TICKETS TO SEE MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEP! IM SOOO FUDGING EXCITED RIGHT NOW MAN! I ALMOST STARTED CRYING. LIKE LEGIT. K BYE

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