Chapter 3

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The trip to the bungalow was a boring one; full of empty fields, small houses, and highways as far as the eye could see. The four boys not driving were all on their phones, either listening to music or tweeting fans, or playing Angry Birds. Eleanor fell asleep as soon as they got off the back roads running through the town. The local pop radio station was playing softly on the radio and the two boys in the front seat were singing softly along with all the songs they knew.

After driving for roughly an hour, Louis pulled into the driveway of the large cottage.  When Harry first said “bungalow”, the boys expected a small house with a fire pit and a bit of woods in the backyard. Not a large house with acres of land and a treehouse and a trampoline and, and, and. There was a small amount of woods with some ginormous trees that contained the aforementioned treehouse and trampoline, a large garden, and in the garden, a pink gazebo with fairy lights and a large swing adorning the large backyard. When you walked inside, there was a staircase leading to the second level of the house, obviously, with photos of the family lining the wall.

 Going to the right of the staircase, there was a dining room with French doors setting it off from the main foyer. Going forward from the front door, on the left was the living room, a cozy looking room with a lot of windows, a fireplace, a large pit couch with chairs surrounding a coffee table, a large tv, and shelves with more pictures. On the opposite side was a gorgeous kitchen. Large, stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, dark wood cabinets, and an island in the center with barstools on one side.

 The upstairs had bedrooms- the master, three guest, and the kids’ rooms. Harry’s bedroom was painted grey to compliment his white bed and bed sheets. His furniture was also white, the only real color in the room coming from the many posters and vinyl records hung on the walls. He had a guitar on a stand in the corner as well as a desk next to the window, covered in notebooks, blank paper and a desktop computer sitting covered also. Eleanor’s room was painted a light pink color and her bed matched the color. Her crib was a large circle with a ‘tree trunk’ instead of legs. Tulip lamps branched from the bed along with a hammock. The room was full of windows and on the wall next to her bed there was a small tree that stretched from floor to ceiling and had bins and shelves for books and toys inside the closed door and shutters. A rocking chair sat in the corner next to a changing table and her closet.

The basement was pretty cool. There was a projection room set up like a movie theatre, a jukebox, a bar with a soda and beer fountain, and a table set up for poker in the middle of the bottom level. A playroom was set up in another room, and a music room complete with guitars, piano, drum set, and amateur recording studio in the other.

The boys all piled out of the car similarly to the way they piled in. Harry unbuckled his sister and picked her up out of her car seat, holding her on his hip. He helped the boys get all their stuff out of the trunk and take it inside, adjusting the toddler, doing his best to not wake her up. Des came outside after looking out the window and seeing a strange car in the driveway. He immediately took the sleeping girl from his son, patting his shoulder and taking Eleanor’s stuff. “The kid sleeps like a brick,” Harry mumbled, walking inside after the other boys. “Louis, you and I are in my room, Niall, Liam, and Zayn you pick a guest room.” The boys walked upstairs and put their stuff in all their rooms and Des walked the baby into the living room and laid her down on the couch, laying her blanket over her.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall walked into Harry and Louis’ room and jumped on their bed. “So what’s the plan for tonight, Styles?” Niall asked.

“My dad is leaving tonight for some business trip or something. We can do whatever. We can hook the Xbox up to the projector and play Fifa in there.”

“Sounds good to me, Haz,” Louis says, laying on Liam and looking up at his best friend.

“Alright, cool. Should I order pizza too?”

“That’s a stupid question,” Niall stated, rolling off the bed and onto the floor. Des walked up the stairs and into his son’s room.

“Okay, boys, I’m heading off. Harry, call me if you need me. No parties, please. Don’t drink too much,” he winked and nudged the Irish boy on the floor with his foot, “Make sure the baby doesn’t get into too much trouble.”

“Okay, dad.”

“Thanks for letting us chill here, Mr. Styles,” Louis smiled, grabbing onto Liam so he wouldn’t fall off the bed as he moved.

“No problem, guys. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” With that, Des left the room and the house, and the boys weren’t completely sure what to do with themselves.

“I’m gonna order a pizza. What do you guys want on it?”

“We eat anything, Haz, you know that.” Liam said, looking at him.

“Niall, you know how to set up the Xbox, right?” He nodded, “Go do that and I’ll handle pizza.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” Niall jogged downstairs followed by Liam. Harry, Louis, and Zayn followed behind, stopping on the main level instead of going all the way downstairs. Eleanor was sleeping like a rock on the couch until the five boys came thundering down the stairs. The three in the kitchen stood around the island, telling Harry where to order the pizza from, what to get on it, and how much to get. Zayn was the first to notice the blonde head of curls pop up from the couch and look around the room.

“Baby’s awake, Haz.” He said softly, elbowing his friend in the ribs. Eleanor hopped down from the couch and walked into the kitchen, looking up at her big brother and hugging his calf, hiding her face in his knee.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Harry smiled, picking her up and putting her on his hip. “How was your nap?” She looked at him with puffy, pink cheeks and tangled curls. She glanced at Louis and Zayn and put her face in the crook of his neck, wrapping her short arms around it and closing her eyes again. “Are you hungry? We’re gonna order some pizza. That sound good?”

The little girl nodded. “I like pizza.” She mumbled softly, not quite enunciating all the words as they should be.

Harry ordered the pizza and due to the snow on the roads, it took longer than it should have. Niall was really excited when they got five extra-large pizzas for free. The boys started teasing Harry about cutting his little sister’s pizza for her, making fun of him for being so fatherly and nicer to her than he’s ever been to any of them. It didn’t take long for the five teenage boys to finish off three whole pizzas, the breadsticks, and two two-liters of coke. They all lounged at the kitchen table, groaning about how much they ate. “I’m so sick. Trying to polish off an entire pizza by myself was a really bad idea.” Niall moaned, unbuttoning his jeans and laying his hand on his stomach.

 “I’m right there with you, Nialler.” Liam replied, leaning his head back and running a hand through his fringe. “On the bright side, at least now we know pizzas are not meant to be eaten by only one person.”


so i went through and "remodeled" the house so it wasn't so flashy and horrible. 

xx- sarah

(revised on september twenty ninth, 2014)

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