Chapter 12

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Etch POV: 

"Dusty!" I exclaimed after Harry asked what I wanted to name the cat. I figured something like Oreo or Cookie or something was too common and even though dust is technically grey, white and black make grey, right? Harry seemed to agree with my idea of naming him Dusty, as did the other boys. 

"Sounds good to me. Dusty Styles.." Harry said the name to himself. "I think he needs a middle name, though" he stated. I nodded in agreement. Dusty Styles sounded too short. Harry thought for a moment before saying, "Alexander" I smiled and agreed after saying the name in my head multiple times.

"It's official then, we have a cat and his name is Dusty Alexander Styles!" Harry laughed as the boys and I clapped and cheered. We pulled into the driveway of the bungalow and all got out of the car. The realization hit that this was the last day, and we were going home tonight. I started to pout at the thought when Zayn, who was holding me, poked my cheeks and asked me what was the matter. I stopped pouting and poked his cheek, responding with nothing and we left it at that. I had a lot of fun with the boys this weekend, and it felt like months rather than a whopping three days.

I laughed, I cried, I fell, I swam, I shopped, I slept, I ate and I did a bunch of other stuff, but most of all I had fun. This sounds slightly like a speech someone would give at a high school graduation, but that's alright. We walked into the house and the boys walked upstairs, most likely to get their stuff around to head on home. Zayn set me down once we reached the top of the stairs and they all filed into their respectable rooms, me included. I shut the door and sat down on my bed, looking around the room, taking in the appearance of the fairy-ness of it, as it would be a few weeks, maybe months even, until I saw it again. I would probably be two the next time I set foot in the front door, which is kind of crazy to think. 

I packed up the clothes I brought with me, as well as my toys and such, putting them all into my turtle backpack. I set everything by my door and sat in my bed, laying down and closing my eyes. Not having a nap and being out and about all day really takes a toll on an almost two year old, you know. 

 I soon fell asleep, but was woken up by someone picking me up and placing me on their chest. I opened my eyes just enough to see who it was, Harry, and closed them again. He walked downstairs and out to the car, strapping me into my car seat when we reached the car. I fell back asleep but woke up only about fifteen minutes later, in the state of being able to hear everyone talking, but not being able to open your eyes or move. I heard the boys whispering about 'how much fun they had this weekend', and 'we really need to do this again sometime, Haz'. Louis also added how 'they should come in the summer next time so it wouldn't feel so weird swimming'. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked out the window, seeing the sunset fill the sky with brilliant tones of pinks, yellows, oranges, and blues, reflecting off the fresh snow in the grass lining the roads, and also the slush on the sides of the street, giving it a look of warmth even when it was freezing cold. I lifted my hand and in the condensation on the window from the heat of the car hititng the cold air on the other side of the window, i drew a small smiley face and a flower, along with a cat and a sun. I looked down at my lap, then over at Harry in the passenger seat, then over at Zayn who was sitting next to me.

None of them had realized I was awake, so I leaned my head against my carseat again and closed my eyes, silently listening to their hushed conversation. I fell asleep in the middle of Niall telling the boys about something funny his brother had texted him earlier in the day. When I woke up, I was yet again being lifted, this time out of the car, and was carried by Harry into the house. I was handed to another person, and by the feeling of the person it was my mother. I wrapped my arms around her neck and cuddled closer into her as she held me, saying goodbye to all the other boys and telling her she hoped they had a good time this weekend and that I wasn't too much of a bother. 

They all said goodbye and left to go to the airport and fly home to see their own families for Christmas. I was placed in my bed and my mum kissed me on the forehead before shutting the door and walking back downstairs. About an hour later I was woken up by the front door opening and closing, and Harry's voice carrying through the house. I got up out of the bed and opened the door, only to be greeted by Dusty who was wandering throughout the house, trying to get a feel of the place. I knelt down next to him and petted him, scratching gently behind his ears, causing him to purr and rub against my arm and hand. 

Harry walked up the stairs shortly after Dusty walked away from me and strolling down the rest of the hallway and turning around, going down the stairs. "Look who's awake" Harry said, flipping on the hallway light. I smiled at him before running toward him and hugging his legs. I looked up at him and smiled before he picked me up and set me on his hip. "You've been out for a while, little one. Are you hungry?" He asked, tickling my stomach causing me to giggle and nod. "I think its time for a late night cereal party. What do you think, love?" He asked, walking down the stairs. I nodded again and he walked into the kitchen, flipping on the light and setting me on the counter. 

I looked over at the clock which read only nine o clock, however it seemed much later. "What kind of cereal do you fancy, miss Eleanor?" Harry called from the pantry closet. 

I thought for a moment before responding with "Lucky Charms!" I heard him chuckling and he soon returned with a box of Lucky Charms as well as a box of Shreddies and a box of Frosted Wheats. He reached up into one of the cupboards and picked out two bowls, then went to the refrigorator and pulled the milk. I opened the drawer in the kitchen island I was seated on and picked out two spoons and set them down. Harry poured me a bowl of Lucky Charms and himself a mixture of Frosted Wheats and Shreddies. We clinked our bowls together before we started eating, the only sound coming from us were the sound of spoons clinking on the bowls and us chewing. 

After finishing, Harry helped me off the counter and we went downstairs to the basement where he sat down on the sofa and turned on his Xbox, putting in a disc and putting his headset on. I sat down next to him and picked up another one of his controllers and started pressing buttons before he grabbed it from me, took the back off of the controller and handed it back to me. I continued pressing buttons. I heard someone yell from the headset something about "OH DAMN. HARRY YOU KILLED ME!" He leaned over to me and high fived me before saying, "Good job, Etch. Keep doing that!" I smiled widely before pressing all the buttons again, just as I had been doing before. 

"Who was that you were just talking to, Styles?" the boy questioned. "Do you have a lady friend over there?" Harry laughed. 

"No mate. That was my little sister. She's got my other controller. I took the batteries out but told her she killed you" he chuckled. It didn't bother me that I didn't actually "kill" the other boy on the game. I just really enjoy pressing all the little buttons.


WOAH NOW. WHAT IS THIS? SARAH UPDATING LITTLE DIRECTION TWO TIMES IN A WEEK? WHAT ARE THIS? Yep, I started this chapter the same day I uploaded the last time and figured this was a good way to end the chapter. So this is where the year skipping is going to start happening. I dont know if you guys remember, but a few chapters back, I mentioned that after they got back from the bungalow, I would be skipping time in between chapters so this book doesnt go on forever. I decided on going two years at a time so it'll be present time in the next chapter and so on. It was obviously 2012 when I started this story so it'll be technically 3 years this first time skip and two years for all the rest of them. 

I'm sorry if that doesnt make a lot of sense. I'm hoping that maybe once I start writing it it'll make more sense to everyone. So, that'll be all. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask. If you need anyone to talk to, message me. Im lonely and dont have any friends or a life. Okay you little petunias! Stay fabulous, stay sexy and stay human. Dont get turned into a vampire. I've heard it  hurts like a beesnitch. 



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