Chapter 1

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Chapter one

New country. New school. New start.

I'm moving to England. I stayed in California for my whole life, never left but today I'm moving across the world to live with my mom. She is English and moved back when my parents divorced. I stayed with my dad for 3 years and now I'm staying with my mom. I decided to move. I hate my new step mom and she hated me. I haven't seen my mum in those 3 years. My dad wouldn't let me see her since she ran out on him.

I just got of the flight and I'm looking for my mom.

"Ally!" I heard an English woman shout. I seen my mom. Wow she hasn't aged a bit.

"Mom!" I shouted and ran over to give her the biggest and longest hug ever.

"Oh Ally you look so grown up and beautiful." My mom complimented.

"You haven't aged a bit." I said to her.

"I missed you so much! I can't believe I let your dad keep me away from you." She sighed.

"I missed you too. I had to get out of there. That woman was driving me insane. I needed my mom." I said hugging her again.

"Well we are together now and I'm not letting anyone take my baby away from me." She smiled. We were both crying loads.

"Come on let's get you home." My mom lead me to a car and took me to the home I should have stayed in for the last three years.

"This is your room. I decorated it like I thought you would like it." My mom showed me my room. It had peach walls with a cream carpet. There was a queen sized bed in the right hand corner, a desk next to it, a wardrobe next to the window and a chest of drawers next to the door. I loved it.

"This is amazing! Thanks so much." I said to her.

"No bother honey. Anything for my girl. Now I'm going to make dinner whilst you unpack." She said then left the room.

I unpacked all my clothes and everything I brought. I didn't leave anything at my dads. Everything that meant something to me was with me.

I went to join my mom for dinner.

"So what school am I going to?" I asked.

"Holmes chapel high school." She told me.

"Oh cool. So where is it?"

"About 5 minutes away in the car. Don't worry I will drive you." She smiled.

"Thanks." I returned the smile.

"Don't worry you will fit in. Just be yourself and everyone will love you."

"Probably not." I laughed.

"And whys that?"

"I'm going to go in with an American accent, tanned and a completely different life style. I didn't even fit in in America."

"Don't say that, Ally."

"It's true though." I mumbled.

"You are starting on Monday. So you have two days to prepare." She smiled slightly.

"Ok. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. This was great." I told her then left for bed.

I wonder what the school is like. I wonder if I will make friends. I only had 3 friends in America but no best friends. Crazy I know. I don't think I have ever had a best friend. I suppose my only best friend was my mom. No one knew me as well as her and when she left I didn't know what to do. She left with no explanation. I don't know why they divorced. All I know is that the reason was bad enough for her to leave the country and leave me behind.

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