Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Don't get detention today. Ok." My mom laughed.

"I won't! I won't!" I said putting my hands up in defence.

"That's a good girl. Now get out of my car!" She laughed pushing me out.

"I'm going. I'm going!" I said then shut the door. We waved bye and she left. I turned around and looked at the huge school in front of me. It's huge. Loads of pupils were already spilling inside. I was one of them.

"Hey, Ally!" I heard my new Irish friend say behind me. I turned around and Niall was stood there.

"Hey, Niall!" I replied.

"So I heard about detention. What happened?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing really." I told him.

"A little birdy tells me different."

"And who is this little birdy?" I questioned.

"Amanda." He laughed.

"Yeah well she wasn't there. So she wouldn't know."

"What would I not know?" Amanda asked from behind me.

"What happened yesterday." I said turning around to face her.

"Well I did see you with Oliver. Honey, what did I say? Stay away from them!" She half shouted.

"Where you stalking me?" I joked.

"You know that old crazy woman that lives across the road from your house?"


"Ok well there is and she's my gran. I seen you get out of his car, I nearly had a heart attach. And you were blushing!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah I don't know why I was blushing, to be honest."

"So what happened?" Niall asked.

"Yeah. What happened?" Amanda asked as well.

"Oliver wanted to give me a ride home. That's all."

"No it isn't. What about Harry? Liam? Please! There must be more!"

"Well both Oliver and Harry wanted me to sit with them." I muttered.

"What?! Oh my god! You sat with Harry right?"

"Well I wanted to but he said sit with Oliver. Which I did. Then I moved next to Harry." I told her.

"Oh. This isn't good." Amanda whispered.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter. Anyway, let's get you to your class." Amanda said. I nodded and followed her and Niall to my class.

"Hey, Marcel." I said to Marcel when I took my seat in chemistry.

"H-hi." He replied.

"Why are you so shy? Like your brothers aren't." I laughed. He shrugged.

"I-I don't want to be like them." Marcel said.

"Yeah. Probably best. We don't need two Oliver's in this world." I smiled. He did too. He genuinely smiled.

His smile was so cute. When Harry done it, it was hot. When Oliver done it, it was more of a smirk. It's so weird how they look so similar yet everything they do has a different affect on you.

"At my old school, I was really shy. Here I guess I came out of my shell. Not to sure why though." I told him.

"Amanda has that effect on people." He said. I looked at him confused. What?

"Ally! I told you to sit here." I heard Oliver shout to me.

"Yeah well I'm sitting here!" I called back. The teacher came in before Oliver could say anymore.

"Today I am giving you a project. It should be completed out of school. Since everyone is in pairs you will all be left like this." The teacher told us. Everyone seemed happy with there partner. I was. "Boys at the back since one: you won't do it together and two: you are a three, I will split you all up." He gestured to Louis, Oliver and Zayn. I didn't know Zayn was in this class? That must if been why he was in detention then. Been caught skipping.

"So let's see, Louis go with Morgan and Katy." He told Louis. The girls looked very happy. He walked over to them and they looked like they were about to squeal with excitement.

"Oliver go with Liam and Jack." Oh Liam's in this class too. I wasn't paying any attention then.

"And Zayn you go with Ally and Marcel." He said. Oliver's head shot to where I was sitting. He was now near the front next to Liam. Zayn came over smiling.

"This should be fun." He smiled then took a seat next to me. It wasn't a pleasant smile. It was more of a wicked one. Zayn was looking at Oliver, it was like one of those mental conversations. Zayn laughed.

"Mate, I got paired with them. Not my fault." Zayn called out to him. Oliver stuck his middle finger up at him then turned back around.

"So... I'm Zayn." He told me.

"Ally." I replied.

"Yeah I know." He smiled. I looked at his features. He was very beautiful, I have to admit. He had lovely big brown eyes, dark hair and olive skin. Maybe if he didn't have all the tattoos and piercings then I would like him. No I like the tattoos just not the piercings.

"What?" He laughed.

"Oh, sorry nothing." I said looking away, embarrassed.

"Dont be embarrassed I was checking you out too." He smiled.

"You can't just say that to someone you know." I told him.

"I'm not like other people." He replied. Okay?

"Marcel, haven't spoke in ages. How are you?" Zayn asked Marcel.

"I-I'm o-ok. Y-You?" Marcel stuttered worse than before.

"I'm good. See you still stutter then." Zayn laughed.

"Y-Yes I d-do." Marcel stuttered.

"Ok class. This project should be done by next month. Don't leave it to the last minute. And everyone needs to take part. It will be a poster so I should see two or three different hand writings on it, if not I know someone hasn't done anything. I will hand out this sheet that tells you your choices and pick one." He said then handed out the paper.

"Marcel you can pick." Zayn said.

"Umm, t-this one?" Marcel asked.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Ok with me." Zayn smiled.

"Before the bell I advise that you figure out when and where you will be doing this." The teacher advised.

"Your house?" Zayn asked Marcel.

"Y-Yeah. A-After school?" Marcel said.

"I will be there." Zayn said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Y-You could walk with me?" Marcel asked.

"Ok sure. I will meet you at the front of the school at the end if the day." I smiled.

"I will just be there." Zayn said. Marcel nodded then the bell wrung to indicate that it was the start of lunch.

I went to the cafeteria to find Amanda and Niall. I seen them sitting at a table near the back. Just like usual.

"Hey guys." I smiled sitting down across from them.

"Hey. How was chemistry?" Amanda asked.

"Good. I'm going to the styles house tonight." I laughed.


"I have to go with Marcel because we have a project but it's also with Zayn." I told her.

"Oh. Can I come and see Harry?" She laughed. I did too.

"I will see you tonight." Someone whispered in my ear. It was Oliver. I turned my head around to say something but he had already walked away. I tuned back around and Amanda looked scared or worried? I couldn't tell.

"What?" I asked.

"He isn't going to give up." Niall whispered so that I wouldn't hear.

"Who?" I asked.

"Ally, Oliver wants you which is bad." Amanda said.

"How?" I asked.

"Because he will get you."

"But I don't want him?" I said confused.

"That doesn't matter. You will like him. He will trick you into wanting him. That's what he does. And once he's got you he-he breaks your heart." Amanda said looking away.

"Did he break yours?" I whispered.

"N-No but he broke my sisters. She hasn't trusted a boy since. Don't fall for his charm. Please don't." She pleaded.

"I won't. I promise. He isn't my type anyway." I reassured her.

"Good. Anyway, I'm going to go get some food." She said then got up and stood in the food line.

"How old is her sister?" I asked Niall.

"Umm. She's erm I'm not sure." Niall said.

"Oh ok." I smiled. He have me a weak smile then started eating his sandwich.

"Ally?" I heard Niall say.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You know all of the styles brothers are looking at you." He said. I looked around to see Marcel looking at me but he quickly looked away. Then turned the other way and Harry also quickly looked away. Then Oliver, he winked then looked away. Well that's not creepy at all. Not.

"That's creepy." I laughed.

"Yeah." Niall agreed laughing with me.

Note- so how was this? Good bad? It was quite boring but the next chapter will be better hopefully :) anyway thanks for reading :)

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