Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

School wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I made a friend. I thought I would be the loner that sits by herself everyday. But for now I'm fine.

Today is Tuesday. My second day. I got ready and had breakfast then my mom dropped me off at the school.

I seen Amanda standing at the entrance. A boy with blonde hair was stood next to her, they were talking and laughing.

"Ally! Over here!" Amanda shouted to me. I walked over.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hey. I'm Niall." The blonde boy told me. He had blue eyes, was quite tall and sounded Irish.

"I'm ally." I told him.

"Amanda told me your from California. That's so cool." Niall said.

"Yeah. I suppose it's quite cool." I laughed.

"So what class do you have first then?" He asked.

"Um," I brought out my timetable. "Maths with Mr Brown."

"Me too! Finally someone to sit next to." Niall cheered.

"I have German. Kill me now." Amanda sighed.

"Hmm. I thought you liked that class?" Niall asked her.

"Yeah but I'm next to Zayn now." She sighed again.

"Oh. That's bad." Niall sighed with her. The bell went and Niall lead me to our class.

"So how long have you been here for?" He asked once we took our seats in the middle of the math class.

"I just started yesterday." I told him.

"Oh sweet. I moved here about 5 months ago." He told me. I nodded.

"So why'd you move?" I asked him.

"Dad got offered a job over here. You?"

"I wanted to live with my mom." I told him. He nodded.

"Blondie! That's my seat." A boy with brown hair, piercings and a few noticeable tattoos told Niall.

"Uhm, no, I have sat here all this term." Niall told him.

"Yeah and I want to sit here now. So move." The boy told Niall.

"No. It's my seat. Get your own."

"Blondie, do you know who I am? I said move. So do it." Niall did as he said and took a seat in front of me. The other boy got in the seat next to me.

"I'm Louis. You are?" Louis told me. He was one of the boys Amanda told me to stay away from. Shit.

"I'm ally." I said quietly.

"Ah your American. I knew you were too pretty to be from here." He smiled. I didn't return it. From what Amanda has told me, he's trouble.

"Silent treatment? What did I do?" He asked. I was to scared to reply. Amanda wouldn't be happy if I did.

"I bet you have heard stories about me and my friends? Am I right?" I nodded slightly. He laughed.

"Don't believe them, babe. You know, my friends think you should join us. Instead of being with blondie and that Amanda girl. You would be better of with us. More fun you might say." Louis tried to persuade me.

"Don't call me babe." Was all I said. My dad called me that and I hate it so much.

"How come, babe? I like it."

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