Chapter 7

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Rose's P.O.V.

It has been three months since I last saw the doctor. He didn't even see me  just kept walking by. Mabey he is going through what I went through. I had a horrible night terror last night. It was the doctor in the TARDIS and the TARDIS exploded and I never got to see him again. I am afraid that that might actually happen. I feel like I barrely know him and it is my fault because I tried so hard to push him away from my memories and I payed the ultimate price. I am still trying to find him again. Jack just decided to drop me off at a new home for me, the new Tourchwood building in my universe. I am required to manage all the prisioners that are awating departure back to their home planet. Jack comes back to visit every once in a while make sure I didn't forget again. I really want to go out and find the Doctor again. This time by my self. I have a flight schedualed to get back to his universe. I just hope I find him before it becomes far to late.

Doctor's P.O.V.

 I have to remove her from my memories I have Martha now. She is really nice and a wonderful friend, but thats all she is, a friend. I need to either find Rose or forget her for the sake of my sanity. I will go to places that would seem like Rose would be but if I do not find her then I will leave it at that I need to leave it at that.

"Doctor?" Martha calls out from down the hall.

"Whts the matter Martha?" I say trying to find where she is. Sometimes I hate how big this thing is.

"Doctor there is another person in the hall way!" As soon as I hear that I start running towards Martha. It could be anything it might be Donna again and good greif we do not ever need that sass mouth back in this TARDIS again. 

Rose's P.O.V.

There is another girl here I think I am in the TARDIS but I am not sure. I don't think so seeing as how there is another person standing in front of me, and that person is not the doctor. I hear footsteps pounding our way and I pull out my pocket pistol. I hold it behind my back. I see it is the doctor rushing towards us and I drop the gun. I realise that it was loaded and it just hit a wall of the TARDIS. That is not a good way to say Hey I'm back from another dimension litterally! 

"Rose?" He says it for me.

"Doctor." We both turn and look at the wall. "Oh yeah sorry about that. jack has been having me carry a wepon lately and I was unaware of my surrondings. and I didn't recodnize this person. Oh by the way I'm Rose Tyler!"

"I'm Martha Jones. Doctor do you know her?" 

"Yes she is a friend of mine. Rose why did you shoot the TARDIS?" He asks with a stern look on his face.

"I didn't mean to. I saw you and I was so suprised and happy and I dropped the gun and it fired." I said pretty much summing up what happened.

"Oh ok Marhta are you ok?" He asks looking over at Martha for the first time scince he saw me. 

"Yes Doctor I am fine you still haven't quite explained what is going on yet?"

"Frankly Martha I don't quite know myself. Rose care to explain how you got here from another universe?"

"Gladly. I was at tourchwood and I was just planning on being sent to my earth that people know me on not the place that you called a parallel earth that you left me on to fend for myself! DId you know I was working at the shop again but then Jack came and re awakened the hurt that came with hearing 'The Doctor' I had finally removed you from my memory but then Jack came and proved that you were real by showing the last time we met at the tourchwood or has that not happened yet with all that time travel you do. I decided I was going to find the doctor no matter how much pain it would cause and it turned out easier than I thought it would and now I am standing here in the TARDIS wishing that you hadn't gone back through that damn wall!" I said and Martha just stood there stunned. The doctor just looked at me. Then he hugged me tightly it was just what I needed.

"I am just going to go back to my room for a while Doctor and let you figure this out." Martha said and turned right back around. 

"Doctor I'm-"

"Rose you don't need to appologize I should have never left you therebut you need to go back or you will completely mess with time."

"Doctor I don't I don't want to go back I ruined my life there Mickey doesn't love me anymore and my Mum won't look at me ever scince you left and I stayed locked up in my room for a year then went back to the Tourchwood and you were there." I say and the doctor just nods his head in agreement. Sometimes I wish he would not agree so much.

"Rose that hasn't happened yet and you know that everytime you do this you rip another hole in the fabric of time and I have to keep fixing them."

"Doctor my job at tourchwood is to send people back to their home universe or planet and I thought you might apprecieate a visit I flight back schedualed for 3pm so you are stuck with me untill then."

"Rose it is impossible for anyone to feel like they are stuck with you. You are to much of a pleasure to be arund." The Doctor said and he made me blush. He hugged me tighter after he said that.

"DOctor are we going to hug all day or one last adventure?" I say with a smile forming on my face. He lets go beaming with joy. He reaches over and knocks on Mathas door.

"Martha get out here we are going on a trip before Rose's flight gets here." He said with a smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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