Chapter 1

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Maddie's POV

I like Glenn. I would tell him but I don't like getting rejected. If I knew how he felt I would tell him but I don't so I'm not gonna tell him. Glenn came to my dad's farm when this little boy got shot. Maggie's my twin sister. Maggie and I are identical twins, we look exactly the same except for our hair, Maggie's is short and mine is past my ass.

"Hey Maddie, can I talk to you?" Maggie asked walking into our shared room. I nodded and patted a spot on my bed for her to sit. She sat down and looked at the floor. "I had sex with Glenn" She said still not looking up. My heart dropped, they did it he likes Maggie not me. "Do you like him?" I asked. "I don't know" Maggie replied honestly. We sat in a comfortable silence before someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said sitting up. It was Beth. "Dinner's almost ready" She said before walking back down the stairs.

Maggie and I looked at each other before walking down stairs to the kitchen. Rick's group was eating with us tonight. We bowed our heads and said our blessings. Then we started eating.

"Daddy, may I be excused?" I asked after I was done. He nodded his head and I quickly got out of my chair and pushed it in before walking out on the porch. Beth followed me out. "Maddie you need to tell him before it's too late" Beth finally said. "I'm sorry, what!?' I asked in a panic. Did she know I like Glenn? "Maddie I know you like Glenn" Beth said staring at me. "How!?" I question. "It's in your eyes every time you look at him" She replied smiling a little. As I was about to speak Maggie ran out the door towards the barn. 

I'm about to tell you something that you have to keep a secret. Okay here goes nothin', the barn is full of walkers. Shh keep quiet, just for a little while, daddy don't want anyone to know.

"Come on we should get some sleep" I said to my little sister. She nodded her head in agreement and we went to our separate rooms.


Things about Maddie:

She has long brown hair.
She has green eyes.
She's 22.
She doesn't like to be yelled at.
She passes out alot.
She's never had a boyfriend.

If you have any questions please ask.

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Omg! Have you ever heard the song These Hills by Nitzo and Charlie Mac. If you haven't you should look it up I love that song it's like a country rap. It reminds me of when I was little me, my dad, and my brother would go huntin and we would be in Del Rio all the time. If you guys didn't grow up country you don't have to look it up. I grew up in Cosby though so it explains my past.

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