Chapter 4

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Maddie's POV

When Rick and Glenn went to find daddy they brought back a boy named Randle. Today I'm going on a run with Daryl. Daryl and I don't really talk so I'm gonna take the chance to get to know him.

"Daryl, are you ready to go?" I asked walking towards him. He nodded and got into Shane's green car. We were close to a neighborhood. We were looking for food and clothes and maybe people. We pulled up next to a house that looked untouched. "We'll clear it out first then we'll search it" Daryl said in his usual gruff voice. I nodded and he opened the door. We cleared the house and only took down 1 walker. While Daryl was searching the kitchen I was in a bedroom, looking for good books to take back. I found a couple of my favorite books. Deep and Dark and Dangerous, Butterfly, Raven, The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, and The Kill Order. I also found some kid books. The Foot Book, Oh The Things You Can Think, The House That Jack Built, Where The Wild Things Are, The Story Of Poppyseed, and Tink North Of Never Land.

After I stuffed my bag my bag full I grabbed some old fashion magazines and some notebooks to write and draw in. Once I was done I went downstairs to see Daryl waiting on me. I nod and we get back in the car and back to the farm. When we got back I handed the kid books to Lori and I handed her a notebook for Carl then went into the house to find Beth. Once I found her I gave her a notebook and the magazines I found. "Thank you Maddie" Beth said with a smile. "Well you never request anything so when I saw those I thought of you" I simply answered. I went upstairs and started on the book The Maze Runner. I wasn't even halfway through it when I dosed off. I was woken up by Maggie yelling at me from downstairs. "Maddie pack a bag with a few clothes and anything you might need we're leaving the farm" Maggie yelled. I did as I was told. I put all my books I had found today, a few tank tops, jeans, shorts, clean underwear, socks, and my favorite pair of Converse. I then threw my boots on and grabbed my hoodie and tied it around my waist. I ran down the stairs to see the barn on fire and Lori, Beth, and T-Dog getting into a truck.

I jumped into the back right before they left. Then T-Dog sped off of the farm. Suddenly we stopped and turned around back towards the highway where Rick's group first broke down. As soon as I saw Maggie and Daddy, Beth and I both jumped out of the truck and ran to hug them. "Wait. where's Andrea?" I asked. Everyone was silent. "And Jimmy?" Beth asked. "Andrea went down saving me, and Jimmy was in the RV that got overrun" Carol answered. Beth started crying.

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