Chapter Two

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"A field trip to the forest?" My dad questioned, and I nodded, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I don't know about this, Lucinda. If they're not allowing electronics, how are you going to get in contact with us if something happens or if you get hurt? I'm not sure I can approve of this." He continued.

"Why? Because mom will freak?" I questioned him, getting irritated.

"No, because we worry about you. Besides, the forest is where that happened. It's not a good place." He insisted, and I stiffened at the mention of the incident. I hated when they brought it up, which was most of the time. Gritting my teeth, I snatched the pen from him and forged his signature on the field trip slip. "Hey, you can't-!" He started to scold.

"I am going on this field trip!" I snapped, cutting him off. "This is not going to be a repeat of that time. You two are way too overprotective of me, and I can't stand it anymore. I'm not going to let neither you or mom stop me from going on this field trip." I informed him, and he narrowed his eyes at.

"Lucinda." He said my name in a warning tone, and I smirked.

"There it is; the danger inside of you. What happened to you, dad? I get why mom would freak out, I mean, she's a girly paranoid White girl. But you? Aren't Russians supposed to love danger? I mean, have you not seen Hetalia?" I asked, and my dad rolled his eyes at my anime reference. He may not have gotten the accent, but he was still a full-blooded Russian. Unlike my mom who was half-White and half-Italian.

"Lucinda, we do this for your own good. The forest is a dangerous place, filled with the things you least expect." He stated. I hated when he played the concerned parent role; that position usually went to my mother, who was currently no where in sight. "Besides, I can't stand being away from you for too long. You're all I have, Lucy." He added, and I clenched my teeth.

Lucy. That's not my nickname, and I hated being called it. Lucy was the thorn in my side as well as the reason for many of my frustrating restrictions. She was also the source behind that incident in the forest.

Lucia Anzhelika Shassa was my identical twin sister, except I was alive and she was brutally murdered on our fifth birthday. I had actually been present during her massacre; except, I didn't do anything to help. I watched from the sidelines as it all went down, and I never felt an ounce of regret.

When it was over and her killers got away , I forced myself to shed fake tears and ran off to tell my parents a lie. I told them I lost Lucia while we were playing hide-and-seek. I told them that, when I found her, she was asleep and wouldn't wake up. Even when I was a little girl, I had a very twisted mind. It was fine though since Lucia had been suffering from Leukemia and was estimated to die within the next couple of years. So when you think about it, I saved her from the pain.

"I am not Lucia, dad." I growled. "When she was alive, my nickname was Cinda and hers was Lucy. When she died, apparently Cinda died with her. Why can't you understand that I'm not her? I'm alive, right here, right now, and I want to live my life to the fullest. Now, do me a favor and stop calling me Lucy, because I hate that name." I admitted, and pain flickered across his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Cinda." He apologized, and my heart fluttered at the sound of my nickname being said once more. It'd been a long time since I'd heard it. "Sometimes, I forget that all of this is hard on you too. After all, you lost your twin sister, and you were the one who found her body. I can't even imagine what you're feeling." Oh, brother.

If there was anything I hated more than Lucia, it was the way people tried to sympathize with me over her death. It was frustrating because I couldn't bring myself to understand the rationality behind it. I didn't get why people tried to relate to someone else's feelings. It made absolutely no sense to me, ever.

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