Chapter Three

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"You don't talk much, do you? I figured that already, but your surprisingly quiet for someone who was just threatened into submission." I remarked, and Slenderman just continued to ignore me. I hated silence.

Growing frustrated with the quiet, I stopped following after him and roughly grabbed onto his arm. As soon as I did so, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head back toward me in what I assumed to be anger, doing a whole owl-like one-eighty with his head. In a show of anger or annoyance, he tore open his mouth and bared his razor sharp teeth at me, revealing his forked tongue and the blood that remained in his mouth. I probably should have been scared, but I was too distracted by something much more important.

"Your teeth are perfect! I'm so jealous!" I squealed, pulling him down to my level by his tie to get a better look at his sharp teeth. Just as I was about to reach out and touch them, because I'm fucking psychotic, he snapped his mouth shut and vanished into thin air, leaving me alone.

Shit, I must have really pissed him off. Angry, I pulled out my scalpel and swung it through the air, hitting a tree. Sure, I loved nature, but I was too upset to care about the pain I was inflicting upon it.

"It seems you scared him away." A familiar voice joked.

Before I could turn to greet the newcomer, I felt a large weight suddenly fall on my shoulders, the force of it knocking me forward and onto the ground, face planting into dirt. I didn't even really have to think much to know who my uninvited guest was.

"Have you missed me, Cinda?" Jeff cooed as I spit up some dirt from my mouth while he lay his head next to mine so that I could get a good look at him.

"I would advise you to get the hell off of me, you smile obsessed freak." I demanded, and that only seemed to interest him more. Before I could say anything else, the weight of his body suddenly began to increase, slowly crushing my underneath him and literally knocking the air out of my lungs.

"That's not how you're supposed to address old friends." Jeff whispered into my ear, and I looked him directly in the eyes, my brain working on overdrive in the hopes of finding a way out of my little predicament.

Jeff didn't feel pain. That was his big thing. I could make an attempt to bite his nose off, but he probably wouldn't even care.

"Apologize." Jeff commanded, increasing my anger.

"Never," I sneered back at him.

Probably realizing that I'd never give into him, Jeff finally got up off of me, but that didn't mean I was going to forgive him so easily. Turning, onto my back, I swung one leg under the serial killer, knocking him off balance and I jumped up onto my feet and sat on his chest, using my knees to hold his arms down.

"Cin-," he began but shut up as I put my scalpel to his neck.

"Make one move, and I swear on all that is Creepypasta that I will kill you." I growled. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your pathetic excuse of a life right now, you defiled piece of shit." I meant it too. I wasn't afraid of killing, of ending a life. In fact, I'd been so upset with Jeff's mind games the other day that I'd taken my anger out on my neighbor's cat. The poor thing didn't have to die, but then the smiling idiot went and ruined my mood.

"You really are one of us; your eyes hunger for bloodshed." Jeff purred, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

When Jeff used to live in my treehouse, he would often talk about my eyes and how pretty they were since they apparently looked deadly. Of course, I never believed a word of what he said since most of the things that came out of his mouth were bullshit.

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