Chapter Nine

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Arriving at my house, I shared a pleasant exchange of goodbyes with the two Detectives that'd taken me in for questioning. Rayley, surprisingly, had warmed up to me after coming to the conclusion that I wasn't responsible for Adrian's death. Fool.

Even if he no longer suspected me, that didn't mean I was going to forget him so easily. No matter what, I was going to return to their little base of operation. Sure, I had more than one objective for going back, but Rayley was definitely in my list of reasons. After all, I couldn't just let such an entertaining person get away from me.

"What happened?" Jeff questioned, and I ignored him as I headed inside. "Lucinda, answer me!" He demanded, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him. "What did you tell them?" He asked, and I cocked my head as I stared into his eyes and how intensely grey they were.

"I'm home!" I announced for my parents to hear, ignoring the Pasta and pulling my arm back before walking into my house.

"Lucinda, honey!" My dad called as he rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms. "Are you alright? Did those men hurt you?" He wondered, pushing me back at arm's length and giving me a quick look over.

"I'm a little shaken." I lied, leaning against my father. "They gave me the most devastating of news. Apparently, Adrian is..." I couldn't finish my sentence as my voice choked up and tears stung my eyes.

"Honey, what is it?" My dad wondered, holding me tightly as my mother came over and joined in on the hug. "What happened to Adrian?"

"He's dead!" I cried, falling apart in their embrace like the good little actress I was. "I can't believe he's just gone! I saw him alive and well only the other day!" I hated this part of charades.

"Oh, baby!" My mother cried with me, and they both simply held onto me for a long period of time.

When my tears had ceased, my parents left me to my solitude. I'd locked myself in my room, staring at the ceiling in frustration.

It was all wrong.

"What did you do?" Jeff asked as he appeared at my bedside.

"Nothing entertaining enough for you." I responded, sitting up and turning to look at the freak. "Adrian's body — why was it still in the forest?" I needed answers. My brain was on the verge of explosion with all the confusion.

"He's counting it." The killer answered, and I narrowed my eyes. That wasn't what I wanted to hear.

"Who were those men that questioned me? What is their goal?" I knew he knew. He wouldn't have insisted that I didn't go with if he didn't know. I had many questions for Jeff the Killer, and I was not letting him get away without getting some answers. I was done playing this game with him.

"They're none of your-."

"Fuck you." I cut him off, and he glared at me. "This is my business now. Ten years ago, I was a kid with a weird mind that was curious about a world I didn't understand. But now is different. Now, I'm a woman who is fucking demanding you tell me whatever I want to know or I'll kill you in the blink of an eye." I threatened him as my vision turned crimson.

Black veins spread across my pale skin, moving toward my fingertips. Once there, the very room we were in turned pitch black and empty, void of all interruptions or means of escape.

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