Chapter Four

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"Lucinda, may I introduce you to the maze. Behind this door is all of CreepyPasta's worst place with only one way in and one way out." Jeff said to me as he gestured to a steel door with several different types of locks bolting it shut.

"Why do I need to take a test?" I questioned, skeptical as Sally and Ben watched us from the sidelines.

"All CreepyPastas take this test. It's our right of passage. If you live through it, you become one of us." He explained.

"And if I don't live through it?" That was the real question.

"What's dead is dead." Ben answered, and I turned to him with a smirk.

"Didn't you drown, Ben? Didn't you die? Then why aren't you dead?" I demanded to know, moving toward him. "It's because what's dead isn't always dead. So if you're going to speak, peasant, make sure your words ring true." I warned him, pressing my scalpel against his jawline, right under his left ear.

"If you died, I'd make sure you stayed dead." Ben threatened me, and I acted on impulse, turning my scalpel up and slicing off Ben's ear in one swift movement. "You bitch!" He cried, bending over in pain and putting pressure on his wound. I wasn't paying him any attention, though, as my eyes focused on the blood that coated my small blade.

It seemed fitting.

"Well, that was fun." Jeff spoke up as Sally squatted down with Charlie still being held in one arm while her free hand poked at Ben's severed ear.

"Let's make a bet." The child suggested as she continued to poke at the ear.

"Sounds interesting. What do you want to bet?" Jeff asked as he leaned back against the wall and grinned.

"How long it'll take her to get through the maze, if she gets through it." Suddenly, I didn't think dying in the maze was an option.

Though she was younger than everyone present, Sally held a cold chill about her that was worse than anyone or anything I'd ever felt. While she was undoubtedly normal in appearance, there was absolutely nothing sweet and innocent about that girl. There was no doubt in my mind that she was the strongest CreepyPasta, even standing above Slenderman himself. Getting on her bad side was not an option.

"Alright. I bet she'll make it out alive in a week." Jeff bargained, his interest clearly peaked.

"I bet she'll die in there, painfully." Ben chirped in, and I shot him a glare.

"I bet she'll live." Sally added, and I returned my attention to her as she met my gaze. "She'll be out of there by the end of the day." There was not a hint of doubt in her emerald eyes.

"Sally, you're being too nice. The only people who can do that are Lord Zalgo and Slenderman." Jeff noted, but she ignored him as she continued looking into my soul.

"You'll be finished by the end of the day, Cinda." It wasn't a question.

Nodding, I turned toward the steel door and said, "Open it." Jeff didn't have to be told twice as he snapped his fingers and each of the hatches opened up one by one. As the door continued to unlock itself, the smiling idiot explained further about the test.

"You won't be alone in there." I figured that much. "Inside the walls of the maze is a species of creatures created by Lord Zalgo himself, and they can smell fear from a hundred miles away. The space inside the room is boundless as it is a separate realm from this one, however. The maze goes on without end, and you'll have to search for the exit on your own in complete darkness. This will leave you with no choice but to rely on all other senses aside from sight such as hearing, touch, scent, and taste.

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