Chapter 7

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*Nat's POV*
It's been almost an hour and still no nurses have come to tell us he's okay. I'm getting worried.
"Jen why haven't they told us any news yet?" I asked
"Nat it'll be okay just be patient" Jen said as she fiddled with her fingers.
I feel bad. I just met Jen less than 24 hours ago and now she's sitting in a waiting room with me. At least I know she cares. Does she?
"Hey Jen, you can go home now if you want. I'm sorry for dragging you here with me. I just needed somebody. I'm scared.." I admitted.
"Nat I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you. I just met you, but I know you're something special. I'm here. Don't worry" she said.
That made me smile. And then suddenly I did something that I never thought I'd do in a million years. I held her hand. And she didn't let go. I didn't want her to ever let go.

*Jen's POV*
I could see the sadness in nat's eyes. All I wanted was to be there for him. So that's what I did. Suddenly Nat grabbed my hand and I felt like a million butterflies were flying in my stomach. This was a feeling I've never felt before. I think this is what people called love. I held his hand and I didn't let go. I never wanted to let go.

*nats POV*
"Nat and Jen Wolff?" A doctor announced.
"That's us." I said as we stood up.
"I'm sorry. We did everything we could. We have Alex on life support but there's nothing else we can do. All of his organs shut down. I'll lead you to his room so you can say your final goodbyes" the doctor said.
At that moment I felt like my world fell apart. I fell to the ground and just cried. I could feel Jen's arms around me. But at that moment I wish they were Alex's. I can't believe my brother, the only person I felt loved by, died. I know he suffered with depression but I should've gotten him help. I should've stayed. I found his death note on his whiteboard in his bedroom after the ambulances left. He told me to stay strong, so that's what I'm going to do.

*Jens POV*
Alex was dead. I never even met him but he was dead. And Nat wasn't taking it well. He caused such a scene but I don't blame him. His brother and best friend was dead. I never knew so much could happen in so little time. My ex
Boyfriend found me, a random stranger saved me, and that random strangers brother killed himself. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't cry. I had to stay strong. For Nat. For Alex.

These chapters are so sad I'm so sorry I'm trying to lead into better times. Xoxo

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