Chapter 8

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Ladybug searched the streets of Paris in hopes that she would find Volpina. If Adrien didn't get his miraculous back, he would never be able to aid her again. His power wouldn't last long in the wrong hands. All of a sudden, Ladybug saw Volpina dashing away from where she was.

"Get back here!" Ladybug yelled as she ran after her.

"If you want me, come and get me!"

They darted through the city for awhile until Ladybug caught up to the akumatized Lila and wrapped her around her yoyo.

"Stop!" Ladybug was breathing hard from the exercise. "We-we need to talk."

"Why would I hear what you have to say?"

"Because it's important. Lila, this isn't you."


Ladybug kept going. "I know you're mad at me, and I know I embarrassed you, but you lied. We were both wrong. I apologized, yet you rejected me. I understand why, but please, you don't need to hold onto this grudge. We could still be friends if you accepted me. I met this one boy named Nathaniel. He's nice, and he's your age! I can set you up!"

"You're serious?"


A glowing mask with an image of Hawkmoth appeared in front of Volpina's face.

"Don't listen to her! She's just using you! Loosen your grasp and steal her miraculous before it's too late!"

"I don't know what Hawkmoth's telling you, Lila, but he's wrong. You can conquer this evil, and we'll do it together."

Lila was scared. She didn't want to see Hawkmoth's wrath.
"I'm not sure.."

"Hmm.. I know what to do! Lucky charm!"

A cell phone fell out of the sky.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"Hang on."

Ladybug dialed a code of numbers and put the phone to her ear. "Hello? Hi Nathan! I'm Ladybug. I'm calling you because I have this friend-and she thinks you're interesting. Do you think you could meet her sometime? Really? Great! Ok bye! Lila, he agreed to meet you in the art museum tomorrow!"


"Yes! He seems excited!"

"Thank you! I'm so sorry, Ladybug. You're right. I'm letting go. Time to end this."

Volpina took off her necklace and handed it to Ladybug.

"Thank you, Lila," Ladybug said as she smashed it on the ground. "That's enough evil doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilise! Bye bye, little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw the phone in the air and it faded away, and Volpina returned to her original form.

"Not again!" Hawkmoth shouted. "You may have gotten rid of Volpina's negative emotions, Ladybug, but I will never stop trying to defeat you until I have absolute power!" After he said this, his window closed.

"Oh, Ladybug!" Lila exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her. Ladybug hugged her back and sighed while remembering the one thing left to do.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! May I have Adrien's miraculous so I can give it to him?"

"Oh of course! Tell him I apologize for taking it."

"Sure thing. Goodbye, Lila."

"Bye Ladybug. Thanks for being my friend."

"It's a pleasure." She jumped away to deliver her partner's ring feeling satisfied. Finally, her fighting with Volpina was over.

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