Chapter 4

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(Btw I wanted to clear up that for this fanfic, I'm gonna pretend Marinette hasn't met Master Fu yet or messed with the book).

When Marinette walked in the bakery, she immediately sighed.

"Oh Cat."

Her mom and dad weren't near the bakery desserts, but she didn't notice since she was daydreaming. She went upstairs and snapped out her daze when she saw her parents staring at the TV in shock.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Marinette saw the TV, she too stared in shock.

"Yes, the evil super villain named Volpina has one again returned to Paris. She is striving after our beloved savior, Ladybug. She threatened our TV crew with many weapons so she could broadcast a message to her. This is what she had to say."

"Hello everyone, remember me? I am Volpina, in case you forgot. You all think Ladybug is perfect, but I'll prove to you that it's not true! If Ladybug doesn't meet me by the park bench in 2 minutes, you'll see what a coward she is!"

Marinette felt icky. She knew this probably happened because of Lila's pencil incident in class. Their confrontation in front of Adrien was so awkward, and the last villain she wanted to face was her. Oh well. At least Cat Noir would be there to help her. She rushed upstairs as fast as she could.

"Tikki, spots on!"

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