Chapter 2

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During class that day, all Lila could think about was how Adrien slipped through her fingers. If Ladybug hadn't ruined it, she would be sitting next to him right now. What made her even more upset was the fact that Adrien has a dreamy look in his eyes as he listened to the science teacher.

"He's probably thinking of that stupid Ladybug." she thought. She looked over at Marinette too and thought, "Ugh she even looks like that girl. Why does Ladybug have to exist? Why does Adrien have to love her? Why can't he love ME?!"

Suddenly, Lila's pencil snapped. Her rage had broken it in two. The whole class stared.

"Lila! I should not be having this behavior from you. You have been looking at other students the whole time and you have caused a disruption in my class! Go to the office!"



Humiliated, Lila grabbed her things and went out the door.

"Poor Lila. This is my fault." Marinette mumbled to herself.

When class eventually ended, she was ready to leave.

"Bye, Alya! See you tomorrow!"

"Bye Marinette!"

As soon as the coast was clear, Alya caught up with Nino as fast as she could.

"Nino! I need to talk to you!"

"Ok-woah!" he exclaimed as she pulled him by his collar.

"What's going on, dude?" Nino asked, a little confused.

"Marinette is acting totally strange. You know how I told you she likes Adrien? Well she hardly looked at him today. She didn't even stutter when she talked to him! Something's going on."

"Alya, babe, I don't wanna offend you, but you may be jumping to another conclusion again. Maybe she's just getting more confidence or something."

"Since when did this happen? I mean seriously. Even if it did why wouldn't she say? I still feel like-"

Nino was giving her a smart look.

"Like maybe I should just let Marinette do her thing."

"That's my girl. Come on, let's go hang at my place for a little bit. I can get some pizza."

"I'm down!"

So they left the school, still not knowing their best friends' hidden secrets.

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