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8 years later

Carter Tate walked briskly along the streets of his new home in New York. He moved to the city after his mom passed away 3 years earlier. His head kept low as he knew the organizations that were Hydra and Shield monitored his every move. The snow covered streets provided a comfort to the now twenty one year old.

When he got struck by that bolt eight years ago, it changed him he didn't realize it until he got angry at his mother when he was fifteen.

He killed his mother when he was 18...it was a total accident but he felt guilty everyday. He was broken, all because of the damn lightening bolt that struck him. He hated himself for harming the only family he had. Since he was an only child, and his father had walked out on his mother before he was born, he was lonely.

Carter worked at a small bar in downtown Manhattan...it was owned by a man named Luke Cage.

Carter had worked there for almost a year, he wanted to save some money so he could help with his expenses. Luke's bar was another home for Carter as the man who owned it was like a father to him.

He also knew of Jessica Jones, the woman who he had served drinks too one night while Luke was out running errands.

Carter pulled his backpack tighter on his back once he reached the bar entrance. He pulled out the keys and twirled them before he opened the bar doors.

"Luke?" Carter called out through the bar. He didn't know if he was here or if he was out.

"Carter Tate."

The voice made him jump in surprise, he didn't recognize the voice...

Carter turned around hesitantly as he watched the red haired woman walked toward him briskly. His eyes grew wide once he knew who she was.

Natasha Romanoff, one of Shields best agents...he did his research.

"Ms. Romanoff, what are you doing here?" Carter went behind the bar as she sat down on a chair in front of him.

"I'm recruiting." She smiled lightly, as Carter motioned to the alcoholic drinks on the shelf. "Do you want anything?" He asked.

"Oh no, I'm good." Natasha looked over the boy seeing the scars from the bolts on his arms, and one running down his cheek down to his neck. Those scars didn't heal like he was supposed to heal. If he really wasn't enhanced wouldn't he be healed.

"You're wondering about my scars aren't you?" Carters question stunned her.

"Can you read minds too?" She wondered leaning on the bar.

"No I just saw you looking at them, I only can control electricity that's bout it..." Carter sheepishly smiled at her.

"Why haven't they healed?"

"I never figured out why, but I guessed it was an ever present reminder how I got my power...the bolts made the scars." He looked down at his arm before looking back up at Natasha with his dark eyes.

"I never asked for this...I didn't want Shield or Hydra tracking me down. I just want to live in peace after what I did to my mom..." Natasha felt sorry for the young boy, he had his whole life ahead of him, now he couldn't even walk outside without the feeling of being watched.

"I know the feeling..." Natasha spoke in a quiet manner. The bars emptiness made Carter and her both uneasy. "Let me tell you, Shield wants you on their side...they want you bad. They won't let Hydra hurt you. I won't let them hurt you."

Carter scoffed, "I can't trust anyone, not even myself Agent Romanoff, the only person I sorta trust is Luke...the owner of this bar who lets me stay and work here.

"We can help you Carter..." Natasha sounded like Shield really needed him, "What do I have to do?" Carter asked repeatedly trying to dig deeper.

"You'll be apart of our team. We're trying to extract out Hydra bases...and find Loki's staff."

Carter leaned back surprised she just gave all the information to him.

"Hydra is one step closer to finding you Carter, in fact they already most likely know you're here. You need to be protected at all costs...when you're with us, you will be protected no matter what. We could really use you. Your powers give us an advantage." Natasha spoke smoothly, her eyes met with his and he sucked in a breath.

"Natasha...I-I want to help...I do, but I will most likely hurt another member of the team. My powers are hard to control."

"Carter we can help you. Bruce and Tony will do everything they can to help you get your powers under control...just join us, please..."

"You've given me no choice haven't you? I have no option to choose." Carter sighed, "I bet this whole place is surrounded right?" His eyebrows raised as she hesitantly nodded.

"Can I at least pack a few things?"

"Go ahead, we will be waiting down here for you." Natasha motioned her hand up to where he lived. He nodded before making his way up to his room.

He grumbled at the thought of being civil with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. He didn't want to be on a team of heroes, he didn't think of himself as a hero well at least not yet.

His room was a plain white, with nothing on the walls. The only frame was a picture of his mother and him. They sat on the porch and had a neighbor take the photo. It was 6 months before he had done the unthinkable.

He hoped the rest of the team was nice, they all probably knew who he was...since Natasha said they had been tracking him.

He opened his dresser and began to pull out his clothes, he didn't own much but he would have to leave a note for Luke so he knew the boy was safe. He grabbed a couple of shirts and pants along with his boxers before stuffing them in a duffle. He grabbed a slip of paper and started to write.


Something came up, and I have to leave. I will be back in a couple of weeks, please do not look for me. Don't worry I'm safe and I hope you understand...



I am trying to figure out if I want him to be apart of the Defenders or not...leave your thoughts down below.

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