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                               Each day that Steve was gone made Carter uneasy and anxious. It was an odd feeling being left at the compound while the others were away. He stood and looked outside from his room, the sliding glass were open and they showed the beautiful trees, and the ever so present sky scrapers of New York in the distance. Wanda was asleep in the bed they shared frequently. Most nights he watched her sleep well into the morning and when she would stir he would be fast asleep. The two found a comfort in each other when they were near. Carter felt Wanda come up behind him, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He sighed, before she spoke, "Whats wrong?"

"I'm worried." He huffed, "Worried about Steve?" She continued, knowing well he was over thinking everything. "Yeah, its just, he's been gone too long and I'm just uneasy." Carter put his hands over her smaller ones, Wanda sighed before she rubbed his stomach, his eyes closed. "You're overthinking again, you need to stop that before you get a headache, or worse a migraine." Carter sighed, "I know, but I can't help it." Carter turned around and her hands pressed against his back, he put his palms on her soft cheeks, before kissing her forehead, "Thank you. I don't tell you enough, but I am so thankful for you." Wanda felt the tears well up in her eyes before she hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her neck, and put his chin on top of her head. 

When Vision had surfaced, Carter and Wanda were in the kitchen, he admired the both of them, leaning on each other when things got rough, but it was his job to do something else he didn't want to do, seperate them, they were dangerous together according to Mr. Stark. Too much power, they could easily escape if Carter and Wanda worked together. Carter was smiling as Wanda did the dishes, and Carter was splashing water on her as she worked, Vision had no idea what love was, and he tilted his head a bit, was love supposed to be a mix of fun and seriousness, or just nothing. 

Vision stepped into the room then and looked around at the two wondering if he should go sit down next to his parent figures. Carter had been teaching him everything to do with the outside world, Carter gave him the books so he hated what he was about to do, his entire being felt guilty that he was going to hurt the man who was trying so hard to help him fit in. Wanda watched the a.i ponder for a bit, "Vis?" She called out causing Carter to look over at him, "You look confused, come sit down, Wanda wants to know our opinions on her cooking." Carter spoke looking at his girlfriend with eager eyes. She raved about her mothers home cooking and she learned as much as she could before they were killed. 

She smiled as Vision sat down at the counter top, Wanda had placed a cutting board right next to her, as she filled the pot with water, waiting for it to boil. Wanda stood in front of the cutting board and began to cut the veggies she was going to use. she washed her hands and motioned for Carter to come over to help. He stood beside her while he cut the veggies she had laid out, her measuring cup beside the boiling water, Vision watched as they worked silently. 

When they had finished their meal prep, Wanda got out the plates, Carter had been eyeing the chicken in the oven and he pulled it out with a kitchen mit before checking the tempature. 

Carter smiled softly as he watched Vision look at him with interest. "Are you interested in learning how to cook Vis?" He asked smirking a bit, Wanda looked over at the two with a soft smile, "Its not just that, its the fundementals of it all." He spoke moving his hand to feel the stone in his head, "Is it hurting again?" Wanda asked, signling to Carter to plate the chicken. 

"No no, i'm fine, but Wanda?" Vision looked up at the girl, who smiled at him, "Hmm." Wanda wondered, seeing Carter look to her. "No one dislikes you, Wanda." Vis made his way over to the two parental figures in his life, they had taught him everything he knew. 

"Thanks." Wanda's head tilted a bit before looking back down at the sauce. 

"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a involuntary response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you." Vision's statement was a little blunt, and Carter looked down at his scared hands. 

"Are you?" Wanda asked Vision with a challenging look, "My amygdala is synthetic, so..."

"I used to think of myself one way. But after this...I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but...that's not what everyone else sees." Her fingers moved and almost put Carter in a trance, the red magic made its appearance, Carter nodded, "Its the same thing with me...but I think I started to become afraid of myself when I accidently murdered someone." Vision looked at the man with interest and realization, "Carter...friday just informed me there is someone here to see you in the confrence room. Mr. Stark had asked me to keep quiet about it until today." 

Carter looked to Wanda who shrugged and mouthed, go. Carter looked at Vision, "You are in charge of the chicken, don't let it dry out." Carter smiled a bit, while Wanda giggled. Vision looked confused, "I'll be back." Carter threw the dish towel on the counter before heading to the confrence room, Wanda watched after him, before she looked back at Vision and finished their conversation. 

Carter slipped his hands into his sweatpants before turning into the room, a woman in her mid 40's early 50's stood there. Her brunette hair made him confused, she couldn't be...she was dead. "Um. May I ask who you are." He crossed his arms, She turned around and thats when Carter felt his stomach drop. "M-mom." She smiled before leaning on the table, "Hey Carter its been a long time." Carter felt his heart stop, before his legs gave out from underneath him, and he hit the ground. Wanda heard the sudden thump and ran into the confrence room, "Carter!" She yelled feeling for his pulse thank god he had one, his mother stood watching the scene unfold before pulling out her cell phone and calling medical. "Carter please wake up." Wanda looked up to see Vision, "I believe he has fainted." 

"Help me get him up." Wanda mumbled, his mother watched on, eager to see her boys safety. Wanda just wanted Carter to be okay, and this extra stress took a toll, "Today was supposed to be a good day." Wanda spoke with anger. This was the beginning of the end, and they all knew it. 


authors note; 

hello! this chapter has been acutally completed for days and i wanted to post it sooner but i didn't like it and well you know what i dont care so im posting this anyways. i just want civil war to be over so i can show yall what i have planned for infinity war! carter has taken on the mantle of papa bear to vision and its kinda cute dontcha think? and yes this chapter is really rough and i know i havent edited anything yet but yehaw. im winging it. carters mom will be an important character in the next couple of chapters! 

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