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It was midnight when Carter had perched himself on the balcony of Avengers Tower. His arms gripped the bars that Tony had put in specifically for him. Carter looked down at his hands and he realized that he was in fact a weapon. Inhumans hadn't really made an effort to come out as aliens. It was weird to him because he was in fact one of the firsts. Jessica being in the top three. Carter looked out on the night sky of New York when he felt a presence next to him. He looked up and there was Steve Rogers moving to sit next to the young boy. Carter huffed and moved his legs a bit before looking at Steve.

"You did good kid." Steve smiled as he watched the night sky. The two had bonded quickly and Carter looked up to the super soldier. He also had grown close to Natasha and Tony. All three treating him like he was apart of their family. It happened quickly, him joinging the team was a fast process. He didn't even have time to say goodbye to his family. Luke, Jessica. He was close with them and he did after all work at Lukes bar before all this happened.

"Yeah, the headaches are getting worse though." Carter complained of his natural headaches he had gotten from his inhuman abilities. It was a natural ache, but Carter felt realived the more he used his powers. Carter looked down at his shaky hands, his mind was calm but he felt a weight of pressure on his shoulders. He didn't know whether he was going to lose it or not. Carter felt ashamed he almost couldn't control it, he should have had a grip on it by now, but he didn't and he felt like crap because of it.

Steve looked at Carter from the sides of his eyes. The young man obviously was thinking hard about something. "Carter you know you have people in your corner...you can tell us whats bothering you." Steve tried to press the boy a little bit. Carter didn't open up to just anyone. It was almost like he was closed off unless Natasha got through to him.

Carter shook his head and laughed a bit. "You know you're not the first person that has told me that. I know very well who I have in my corner. I'll open up when I'm ready Steve." Steve nodded and put a hand on Carter's shoulder.

"I know kid."


Carter sat at a bar the next afternoon trying to soothe his headache with alcohol. It was the only way in which he calmed down. It was strange, the 22 year old obviously looked out of place in this bar, being it was full of older men and women. It was the only bar that was really open at this time anyways. He took a sip of the beer in the glass as he watched the front door, he wanted Luke or Jessica to walk through those doors, but they didn't. They must not have gotten the message he had tried to give them. Carter hung his head as he continued to drink his sorrows away. He hated himself. He had left his family for a new family. He didn't think they would just ignore him, but now he was starting to believe it. He drank a few more pints as he kept his head down. He sat back as he realized that Tonys part was the next day and he was not excited to go.

He was excited to meet Sam, Steve talked about him often. It was kind of cute, their bromance. Carter kept an eye on the door for a couple minutes before standing up and putting some cash on the bar railing. He shrugged his jacket on before heading to the door. He opened the door, and realized how cold it was. It was chilly in New York as he walked down the sidewalk. He had been doing a lot of walking and thinking.

Carter pulled up his hood before continuing to walk to the bus stop. He liked taking the bus, it was different from getting picked up in whatever car Nat drived these days. He was always embarrassed when Nat would randomly pick him up. It was weird having people stare at you. People knew who Carter was being he was now apart of the Avengers. People had named him The Bolt but Carter fricken hated that name. He prefered Lighting Boy or something else not corny. He hated being related to the heroes, it was almost like a joke.

A team of heroes that at times hated one another. Carter sat at the bus station waiting paitently when he felt a body sit next to him. The man had glasses and a walking stick. It looked like he was blind, but Carter didn't want to ask. It was rude to ask someone if they are blind or not.

"Cold morning isn't it?" The man asked turning his head to the side. Carter watched him carefully and smiled, "Yeah its pretty freaking cold."

The guy chuckled nodding in agreement. "I'm Matthew Murdock..." Carter looked at him again. "I knew you looked familiar. I see you in the papers sometimes." Carter smiled, the bus station being shielded from the cold wind as they waited. "So are you going to tell me your name? Or should I guess?"

"Carter. Carter Tate." He hoped the man didn't recongize the name. Carters name had been floating around New York for a while. "Well it was nice to meet you Carter." Matt held a hand out before Carter shook it. The two sat in silence while Carter and Matt waited for the bus. He checked his phone before seeing a text from Natasha.

Picking you up at the stop in 5.

Damn. He almost had it. He hated it when Natasha picked him up. It made him severly uncomfortable. He texted her back quickly and told her no.

The second he clicked send was the moment Natasha pulled up, in a black four door audi. "C'mon kid lets go." Natasha pressed seeing Carter sitting there with a man she didn't recongize. "Nice meeting you Matt." Carter huffed seeing Matt smirk. "See you around kid."

"I'm not a kid.." Carter groaned. He hated being called kid, it made him feel small. Although he knew he didn't deserve anything else, he was pretty childish on some levels. He opened Nats car door while he rubbed his face. People were staring, he knew it. He could feel it. It was something he had to deal with. Being Carter Tate wasn't easy. Being an Avenger wasn't easy, but he hoped that it would get easier eventually.

hals corner:

yes i did it! i wanted to update this for so long so i thought why not sit down and just write a full chapter for carter tonight. i mean i know it comes as a shock that i even still have this story around but i hate writing age of ultron because that movie is just eh to me. i have so many ideas for carter though that i want to include in his journey and his road to infinity war, its hard finding time to acutally be able to sit down and write chapters like this one. i hope you enjoyed and this chapter is dedicated to rachel aka raIijah because she loves carter as much as I do.  Thank you guys for being so patient with me on this story. I really appreciate you all so much.

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